Ferrovia Parigi-Brest

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Stati attraversatiFrancia (bandiera) Francia
Attivazionedal 1840 al 1865
Precedenti gestoriParis-Versailles RG (1837-1850)
Ouest (1850-1908)
État (Non concessa) (1909-1937)
SNCF (1938-1997)
RFF (1997-2014)
Lunghezza622 km
Scartamento1,435 mm
  • 1500 kV CC (Parigi-Mans)
  • 25 kV – 50 Hz (Mans-Brest)

La ferrovia Parigi-Brest (in francese Ligne de Paris-Montparnasse à Brest) è un'importante linea ferroviaria posta nel nord-ovest della Francia. Servendo importanti città, quali Parigi, Le Mans, Rennes e Brest.

La ferrovia è stata aperta a tratte dal 1840 al 1865.

La linea fu elettrificata in corrente continua a 1500 V, tra Parigi e Mans, e 25 kV – 50 Hz, tra Mans e Brest, tra il 1937 al 1989.

La ferrovia lascia Parigi Montparnasse in direzione sud-ovest per i primi 3 km, e gira a ovest a Malakoff, costeggiando i quartieri meridionali della città di Versailles. Gira di nuovo a sud-ovest fino a Maintenon, dove inizia a seguire il fiume Eure a monte, passando per Chartres. A La Loupe, lascia la valle dell'Eure in direzione sud-ovest fino a entrare nella valle dell'Huisne a Condé-sur-Huisne. Segue l'Huisne a valle fino a Le Mans, dove gira a nord-ovest. A Sillé-le-Guillaume vira verso ovest, attraversando il fiume Mayenne a Laval.

Dopo Vitré, segue il fiume Vilaine a valle fino a Rennes. Prosegue all'incirca verso nord-ovest fino a Lamballe, dove vira a ovest. Poco prima di Saint-Brieuc (a Yffiniac), tocca quasi la costa della Manica. Prosegue verso ovest passando per Guingamp e Morlaix fino a raggiungere il capolinea di Brest, in una baia dell'Oceano Atlantico.

I treni ad alta velocità TGV con destinazione Le Mans e più a ovest utilizzano la LGV Atlantique tra Parigi e Connerré (20 km a est di Le Mans) invece della linea vecchia.

Stazioni e fermate
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa"
0+0 Parigi Montparnasse vecchia 57 m
Unknown route-map component "KBHFxa"
0+5 Parigi Montparnasse 57 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZoxr" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
2+1 Ferrovia della Piccola Cintura
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "ABZq+r" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
2,5 LGV Atlantique per Le Mans e Tours
Straight track Non-passenger end station
Station on track
3+7 Vanves-Malakoff 71 m
Station on track
5+1 Clamart 77 m
Unknown route-map component "hSTRa@g"
7+11 Viadotto di Meudon (142,7 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "hKRZe" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Stop on track
7+6 Meudon 87 m
Stop on track
8+5 Bellevue 90 m
Station on track
9+6 Sèvres-Rive-Gauche 96 m
Stop on track
12+5 Chaville-Rive-Gauche 107 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
RER C per Invalides
Station on track
13+9 Viroflay-Rive-Gauche 111 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
linea per Chaville-Rive-Droite
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
RER C per Versailles-Rive-Gauche
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Grande Cintura per Massy–Palaiseau
Station on track
16+6 Versailles-Chantiers 132 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr"
Grande Cintura per Sartrouville
Station on track
21+4 Saint-Cyr 159 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Junction both to and from right
linea per Dreux
Station on track
24+0 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 163 m
Station on track
27+1 Trappes 168 m
Station on track
32+2 La Verrière 170 m
Stop on track
34+3 Coignières 169 m
Stop on track
37+7 Les Essarts-le-Roi 174 m
Stop on track
41+8 Le Perray 175 m
Station on track
47+8 Rambouillet 161 m
Stop on track
52+7 Gazeran 163 m
Stop on track
60+3 Épernon 120 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
67+6 linea per Dreux
Station on track
68+1 Maintenon 121 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
68+3 Viadotto di Maintenon sul fiume Voise) (315 m)
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea per Auneau
Stop on track
72+8 Saint-Piat 117 m
Stop on track
77+3 Jouy 121 m
Stop on track
81+5 La Villette-Saint-Prest 124 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
85+4 Viadotto sull’Eure (18 m)
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
86+3 linea per Gallardon
Station on track
87+1 Chartres 143 m
Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr+xr" Straight track
linea per Dreux
One way leftward Unknown route-map component "KRZu" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
88+4 linea per Orléans
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
88+6 linea per Courtalain
Stop on track
94+2 Amilly-Ouerray 164 m
Stop on track
98+6 Saint-Aubin-Saint-Luperce 161 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Stop on track
105+9 Courville-sur-Eure 174 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
108+6 Viadotto de la Rivière Eure (18 m)
Stop on track
113+4 Pontgouin 191 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
123+1 linea per Senonches
Station on track
123+6 La Loupe 209 m
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea per Brou
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Stop on track
134+3 Bretoncelles 156 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
linea per Alençon
Stop on track
140+9 Condé-sur-Huisne 121 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
142+0 Viaduc de Grillant (Huisne) (30 m)
Station on track
148+1 Nogent-le-Rotrou 109 m
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea per Arrou
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Stop on track
159+0 Le Theil-La-Rouge 104 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Station on track
169,0 La Ferté-Bernard 92 m
Stop on track
178,1 Sceaux-Boëssé 80 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
linea per Bonnétable
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Station on track
186+7 Connerré-Beillé 70 m
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea per Saint-Calais
Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr" Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
LGV Atlantique per Parigi Montparnasse
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZqr" Unknown route-map component "KRZu" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire per Rennes
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" One way rightward
190+9 per Connerré
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
192+5 Viaduc de l’Huisne (35 m)
Stop on track
193+9 Montfort-le-Gesnois 64 m
Stop on track
197+2 Saint-Mars-la-Brière 61 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Stop on track
199+6 Champagné 65 m
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
204+1 Yvré-l’Évêque 57 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
205+2 Pont sur l’Huisne (50 m)
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
209+2 linea per Tours
Station on track
211,0 Le Mans 51 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
205+2 Viaduc des Tabacs (Sarthe) (60 m)
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
212+4 linea per Angers
Unknown route-map component "STR+GRZq"
213+4 tensione[1]
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
214+9 linea per Mézidon
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZuxl" Unknown route-map component "ABZq+r" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire per Rennes
Unknown route-map component "eBHF" Straight track
222+0 La Milesse-La Bazoge 76 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" One way rightward
per La Milesse
Stop on track
231+2 Domfront-en-Champagne 121 m
Stop on track
234+7 Conlie 128 m
Stop on track
241+3 Crissé 144 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
244+1 linea per La Hutte-Coulombiers
Station on track
246+5 Sillé-le-Guillaume 162 m
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
246+6 linea per Juigné
Stop on track
252+4 Rouessé-Vassé 151 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
257+6 Anschluss
Stop on track
260+0 Voutré 143 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
262+6 Pont sur l’Erve (6 m)
Stop on track
269+4 Évron 113 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
274+0 Anschluss Neau-EP Dolomie
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
275+1 Pont sur la Jouanne (7 m)
Station on track
275+5 Neau 92 m
Stop on track
281+4 Montsûrs 78 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
288+8 linea per Flers
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
288+9 La Chapelle-Anthenaise 105 m
Stop on track
294+6 Louverné 79 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZu+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire per Rennes
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
298+8 Château-Gontier
Station on track
300+1 Laval 70 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
300+8 Viaduc de la Mayenne (132 m)
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
302+2 linea per Pouancé
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZul" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire per Rennes
Stop on track
310+0 Le Genest 89 m
Stop on track
317+1 Port-Brillet 112 m
Stop on track
321+5 Saint-Pierre-la-Cour 133 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Station on track
335+9 Vitré 90 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
336+3 linea per La Selle-en-Luitré
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea per Châteaubriant
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Stop on track
345+8 Les Lacs 59 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
349+7 Viaduc de la Fontenelle (Vilaine) (20 m)
Stop on track
352+6 Châteaubourg 45 m
Stop on track
357+3 Servon 49 m
Stop on track
362+2 Noyal - Acigné 47 m
Stop on track
367+9 Cesson-Sévigné 33 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
370+0 LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire per Le Mans
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
371+2 linea per Châteaubriant
Station on track
373+3 Rennes 31 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
375+7 Pont de Port-Cahours (Vilaine) (37 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
linea per Saint-Malo
Station on track
385+1 L’Hermitage - Mordelles 45 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Stop on track
391+4 Breteil 51 m
Stop on track
395+5 Montfort-sur-Meu 42 m
Stop on track
405+5 Montauban-de-Bretagne 67 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Station on track
410+6 La Brohinière 79 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
linea per Mauron
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr"
411+1 linea per Dinan
Stop on track
415+4 Quédillac
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
417+2 Pont de la Rance (12 m)
Stop on track
419+5 Caulnes 81 m
Stop on track
427+8 Broons 67 m
Stop on track
438+1 Plénée-Jugon 67 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
438+1 Pont sur l’Arguenon (8 m)
Stop on track
447+0 Plestan 90 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
451+4 Pont sur la Venelle (6 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
452+3 Pont sur le Gouessant (9 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
linea per Lison
Station on track
454+3 Lamballe 56 m
Stop on track
465+0 Yffiniac 52 m
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
473+5 linea per Le Légué
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
474+1 Viadotto ferroviario du Gouédic (126 m)
Station on track
474+6 Saint-Brieuc 99 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
475+1 linea per Loudéac
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
474+1 Viaduc de La Méaugon (221 m)
Stop on track
481+2 La Méaugon 126 m
Stop on track
485+0 Plouvara-Plerneuf 163 m
Stop on track
491+9 Châtelaudren-Plouagat 125 m
Station on track
504+7 Guingamp 99 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
505+8 Viaduc du Trieux (48 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "ABZq+rxl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Réseau Breton per Carhaix
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZo" One way rightward
506+2 Réseau Breton linea per Paimpol
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
514+6 Pédernec-Tréglamus 145 m
Stop on track
519+8 Belle-Isle-Bégard 154 m
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
525+7 Trégrom 100 m
Station on track
530+9 Plouaret-Trégor 123 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
531+2 linea per Lannion
Enter and exit short tunnel
532+6 Tunnel de Guerbastiou 1 (136 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
532+8 Tunnel de Guerbastiou 2 (137 m)
Stop on track
539+1 Plounérin 157 m
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
545+0 Le Ponthou 106 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
545+4 Viaduc du Ponthou (113 m)
Stop on track
553+4 Plouigneau 140 m
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
562+4 Viaduc de Morlaix (275 m)
Station on track
562+8 Morlaix 61 m
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
565+4 linea per Roscoff
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Stop on track
571+8 Pleyber-Christ 131 m
Stop on track
577+4 Saint-Thégonnec 129 m
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
580+3 Viaduc de la Penzé
Stop on track
581+7 Guimiliau 112 m
Station on track
589+1 Landivisiau 53 m
Stop on track
599+0 La Roche-Maurice 21 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
linea per Quimper
Station on track
603+6 Landerneau 21 m
Stop on track
608+4 La Forest 14 m
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Anschluss (EP) Pyrotechnie
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
614+8 Viaduc de Kerhuon (200 m)
Stop on track
615+0 Kerhuon 33 m
Non-passenger station/depot on track
618+3 Le Rody 19 m
Unknown route-map component "KRWgl" Unknown route-map component "KRW+r"
618+4 Bivio per il porto
End station Straight track
Brest 43 m
Straight track
Unknown route-map component "KBSTxe"
Porto di Brest (6 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel d'accesso all'Arsenale (180 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel Tourville (266 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Sotterraneo de la Garniture (409,5 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel du Bouguen (214 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel de Quéliverzan (421 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel du Carpon (200 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Tunnel sotto Recouvrance (702,5 m)
Unknown route-map component "exKBSTe"
Base protetta
  1. ^ 1,5 kV =/25 Hz 50 kV ~

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