Arctica: differenze tra le versioni

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* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Ernst | first1 = R.
| last2 = Bleeker | first2 = W.
| title = Large igneous provinces (LIPs), giant dyke swarms, and mantle plumes: significance for breakup events within Canada and adjacent regions from 2.5 Ga to the Present
| year = 2010 | journal = Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences | volume = 47 | issue = 5 | pages = 695–739
| url = | access-date = 28 March 2016
| doi = 10.1139/E10-025 | ref = harv| bibcode = 2010CaJES..47..695E}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Ernst|Bleeker|2010}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Khain | first1 = V. E.
| last2 = Filatova | first2 = N. I.
| title = From Hyperborea to Arctida: The Problem of the Precambrian Central Arctic Craton
| year = 2009 | journal = Doklady Earth Sciences | volume = 428 | issue = 1 | pages = 1076–1079
| doi = 10.1134/S1028334X09070071 | ref = harv| bibcode = 2009DokES.428.1076K}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Khain|Filatova|2009}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Khain | first1 = V. E.
| last2 = Polyakova | first2 = I. D.
| last3 = Filatova | first3 = N. I.
| title = Tectonics and petroleum potential of the East Arctic province
| year = 2009 | journal = Russian Geology and Geophysics | volume = 50 | issue = 4 | pages = 334–345
| url = | access-date = 5 March 2016
| ref = harv | doi=10.1016/j.rgg.2009.03.006| bibcode = 2009RuGG...50..334K}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Khain|Polyakova|Filatova|2009}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Metelkin | first1 = D. V.
| last2 = Vernikovsky | first2 = V. A.
| last3 = Matushkin | first3 = N. Y.
| title = Arctida between Rodinia and Pangea
| year = 2015 | journal = Precambrian Research | volume = 259 | pages = 114–129
| url = | access-date = 5 March 2016
| doi = 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.09.013 | ref = harv| bibcode = 2015PreR..259..114M}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Metelkin|Vernikovsky|Matushkin|2015}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last = Rogers | first = J. J. W.
| title = A history of continents in the past three billion years
| year = 1996 | journal = Journal of Geology | volume = 104 | pages = 91–107, Chicago
| doi = 10.1086/629803 | jstor = 30068065 | ref = harv | bibcode=1996JG....104...91R}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Rogers|1996}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Rogers | first1 = J. J. W.
| last2 = Santosh | first2 = M.
| title = Supercontinents in Earth History
| year = 2003 | journal = Gondwana Research | volume = 6 | issue = 3 | pages = 357–368
| url = | format = PDF | access-date = 8 March 2016
| doi = 10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70993-X | ref = harv| bibcode = 2003GondR...6..357R}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Rogers|Santosh|2003}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last = Sankaran | first = A. V.
| title = The Supercontinent Medley: Recent Views
| year = 2003 | journal = Current Science | volume = 85 | issue = 8 | pages = 1121–1123
| url = | access-date = 28 February 2016
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Sankaran|2003}} -->
* {{Cite book
| last = Shatsky | first = N. S. | author-link = Nikolai Shatsky
| year = 1935
| chapter = On the tectonics of the Arctic
| title = Geology and Mineral Resources in the North of the USSR | volume = 1 | pages = 149–165
| language = Ru
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Shatsky|1935}} -->
* {{Cite conference
| last1 = Tait | first1 = J. A.
| last2 = Pisarevsky | first2 = S. A.
| title = Siberia, Laurentia and Baltica in Mesoproterozoic
| year = 2009 | conference = 2nd International Conference on Precambrian Continental Growth and Tectonism
| url = | format = PDF | access-date = 19 March 2016
| doi = 10.13140/2.1.3432.3840 | ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Tait|Pisarevsky|2009}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Vernikovsky | first1 = V. A.
| last2 = Dobretsov | first2 = N. L.
| title = Geodynamic evolution of the Arctic Ocean and modern problems in geological studies of the Arctic region
| year = 2015 | journal = Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences | volume = 85 | issue = 3
| url = | access-date = 5 March 2016
| doi = 10.1134/S1019331615030193 | ref = harv | pages=206–212}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Vernikovsky|Dobretsov|2015}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Vernikovsky | first1 = V. A.
| last2 = Metelkin | first2 = D. V.
| last3 = Vernikovskaya | first3 = A. E.
| last4 = Matushkin | first4 = N. Y.
| last5 = Lobkovsky | first5 = L. I.
| last6 = Shipilov | first6 = E. V.
| title = Early evolution stages of the arctic margins (Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic) and plate reconstructions
| year = 2014 | journal = Proceedings of the International Conference on Arctic Margins VI | location = Fairbanks, Alaska
| url = | access-date = 19 March 2016
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Vernikovsky|Metelkin|Vernikovskaya|Matushkin|2014}} -->
* {{Cite journal
| last1 = Williams | first1 = H.
| last2 = Hoffman | first2 = P. E.
| last3 = Lewry | first3 = J. F.
| last4 = Monger | first4 = J .W. H.
| last5 = Rivers | first5 = T.
| title = Anatomy of North America: thematic portrayals of the continent
| year = 1991 | journal = Tectonophysics | volume = 187 | issue = 1–3 | pages = 117–134
| doi = 10.1016/0040-1951(91)90416-P | ref = harv| bibcode = 1991Tectp.187..117W}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Williams|Hoffman|Lewry|Monger|1991}} -->
* {{Cite book
| last1 = Zonenshain | first1 = L. P.
| last2 = Natapov | first2 = L. M.
| chapter = Tectonic History of the Arctic Region from the Ordivician Through the Cretaceous
| title = The Arctic Seas: Climatology, Oceanography, Geology, and Biology
| editor-last = Herman | editor-first = Yvonne
| year = 1987 | publisher = Springer
| url = | access-date = 19 March 2016
| isbn = 9781461306771 | ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Zonenshain|Natapov|1987}} -->

[[Categoria:Continenti storici]]
[[Categoria:Continenti storici]]

Versione delle 10:18, 13 lug 2019

L'Arctica era un antico continente formatosi pressappoco due miliardi e mezzo di anni fa, nel Neoarcheano.

Era formato da cratoni dell'Archeano, tra cui i cratoni Slave, Wyoming, Superior, dallo scudo canadese, dai cratoni Aldano, Anabar e Angara[1] dello scudo siberiano ed era situato nell'attuale Oceano Artico, in prossimità del Polo Nord.

Circa un miliardo di anni fa, l'Arctica si unì alla Nena ed all'Atlantica a formare il supercontinente della Rodinia.


La denominazione Arctica fu data da Rogers nel 1996,[2] perché il mar Glaciale Artico si formò in seguito alla separazione del cratone nord-americano e del cratone siberiano.[3] I geologi russi lo avevano indicato come Arctida nel 1987 o Cratone Iperboreano[4] in riferimento alla mitica Iperborea dell'antica mitologia greca.

Il russo Nikolay Shatsky [5] nel 1935 fu il primo a proporre che la crosta della regione artica avesse un'origine continentale.[6] Shatsky tuttavia erroneamente ritenne che la presenza di rocce metamorfiche precambriane e paleozoiche nelle Isole De Long, Wrangel e Nuova Siberia fosse dovuta alla subduzione. Altri studiosi proposero che il Nord America si fosse staccato dall'Eurasia e che il bacino Artico si fosse aperto in seguito ad una retrazione dell'Alaska.[7]


  1. ^ Rogers,  Fig. 4, p. 97
  2. ^ Rogers
  3. ^ Rogers,  p. 97
  4. ^ Khain, Polyakova e Filatova,  Tectonic units and their history, p. 335
  5. ^ Shatsky
  6. ^ Khain e Filatova,  p. 1076
  7. ^ Zonenshain e Natapov,  Introduction, p. 829
