Discussione:Coppa Italia (calcio femminile)

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 Calcio femminile
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I created the english article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Women%27s_Cup maybe you know a source for the finals. would be cool in addition to only listing the winners. thanks. -Koppapa (msg) 19:32, 21 giu 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]


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(EN) Created the english article. Anyone able to give more results or runner-ups? Maybe from a book source. Would be cool to complete it as it is a really old competition. Link to article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Women%27s_Cup -Koppapa (msg) 19:13, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

Traduco per chi non capisce l'inglese:
«Ho creato la voce in inglese. C'è qualcuno che è in grado di fornirmi qualche risultato in piú, o di dirmi i secondi classificati? Magari prendendoli da un libro. Sarebbe bello completare la voce, dato che è una competizione che si disputa da molti anni.» --Triple 8 (sic) 19:17, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) Both 1972 and 1973 final were Lubiam Lazio vs. Falchi Astro Crescentinese (then Torino). See 1972, played in Rome in January 1973, ended 1-4 and 1973, played in Crescentino in December 1973, result unknown. --(Murray) 19:32, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) 1973 Final, Falchi Astro Torino - Lubiam Lazio 2-1, source La Stampa January 3, 1974, page 14.. (msg) 22:38, 22 ago 2011 (CEST) Ps: siamo fighi, noi di it.wiki, c'è poco da fare :))..[rispondi]
(EN) Wow, that archive is a really great resource (if you speak italian). Nice find! Let's see if i can googletranslate some more finals. -Koppapa (msg) 22:48, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) maybe you can have other things, scorers for example, if you send an email at "Lega Nazionale Dilettanti" :).. (msg) 22:58, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) Ok, i tried. Never worked in the past, when i emailed teams or federations for info, but lets see. -Koppapa (msg) 23:14, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) another option could be finding old Guerin Sportivo but they are difficult to find, at the moment they aren't on the web.. (msg) 23:25, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) None of the overmentioned sources may allow you to retrieve the missing datas because
*1) the Federation running those championships wasn't F.I.G.C. but F.F.I.G.C., an independent federation which collapsed and merged into F.I.G.C. in 1986 (no seasonal datas were saved even if some clubs are still keeping the official reports not including weekly newspapers and scorers);
*2) weekly sports magazines such as "Il Guerin Sportivo" started compiling a tiny page just after 1986 when F.I.G.C. held an official spokes(wo)man as Pina Debbi (former footballer).
Other small weekly newspapers were printed before 1986 but you can't find them unless you apply at the main italian Library (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze) where a copy must be sent in any case (and none is available scanned or published on the web).--Nipas (msg) 11:27, 23 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) Leading top scorers are available just because some reporters edited some books (shown in "Fonti e bibliografia") and past 1990 the "Lega Nazionale Dilettanti" added a resume to the official reports showing all weekly scorers. Due to several sites changes (actual site publishing official reports is lnd / Divisione Calcio Femminile) none of those sheets are still available and still don't know what's happening in Divisione Calcio Femminile because during last season they stopped adding those weekly scorers reports to the official information.--Nipas (msg) 11:40, 23 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
(EN) Interessting info Nipas and great work filling up that table. :) -Koppapa (msg) 17:45, 23 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

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