Rudolph Wurlitzer Company: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 89: Riga 89:
File:Wurlitzer electronic organ (blur).jpg|Wurlitzer '''Model 805''' [[organo elettronico]] con '''Orbit III''' [[sintetizzatore]] monofonico<span style="font-size:90%;"> (upper mini key)</span>
File:Wurlitzer electronic organ (blur).jpg|Wurlitzer '''Model 805''' [[organo elettronico]] con '''Orbit III''' [[sintetizzatore]] monofonico<span style="font-size:90%;"> (upper mini key)</span>

Wurlitzer iniziò con gli strumenti musicali elettronici con l'[[electrostatic reed organ]] nel 1947, il più importante e completo fu l'[[organo elettronico]], in particolare la [[spinetta]] ''two-manual-and-pedals'' (dal 1971 con caratteristiche di sintetizzatore) per uso domestico. A metà degli anni '50, Wurlitzer iniziò la commercializzazione del portatile [[Wurlitzer electric piano]].

Rembert Wurlitzer (1904–63) diresse la divisione "violini" dal 1949 fino alla morte nel 1963, facendolo diventare un centro internazionale di restauro.

Wurlitzer nel 1964 comprò i diritti e il marchio e i brevetti della Henry C. [[Martin Band Instrument Company]] che fabbricava strumenti [[Ottoni (musica)|ottoni]] a Elkhart, Indiana (da non confondere con la C.F. Martin & Company delle chitarre.
Nel 1967, Wurlitzer entrò nel mercato delle chitarre come distributore delle Holman-Woodell, a marchio Wurlitzer.
Successivamente passò alla italiana [[Welson]], prima dell'abbandono del mercato nel 1969.

Dagli anni '50 i jukebox, come mercato, furono saturati da altri costruttori. Wurlitzer vendette i diritti della Martin alla [[Leblanc]] nel 1971, per concentrarsi su pianoforti e jukeboxe.<ref>{{cite web| title=Martin Instrument Models| url=| publisher=The Vintage Saxophone Gallery| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref> Nel 1973 Wurlitzer vendette la divisione jukebox alla consociata tedesca e chiuse la fabbrica di North Tonawanda. Pianoforti e organi vennero costruiti ancora per diversi anni in Mississippi e Arkansas.

La [[Baldwin Piano Company]] comprò la divisione pianoforti della Wurlitzer nel 1988. Successivamente la [[Gibson Guitar Corporation]] acquisì la Baldwin facendone una sussidiaria. La Gibson acquisì anche la [[Deutche Wurlitzer Jukebox and Electronics Vending]] nel 2006. Baldwin interruppe l'uso del marchio Wurlitzer sui pianoforti nel 2009. Gibson usa il marchio Wurlitzer solo per jukebox e distributori automatici.<ref>{{cite web| title=Wurlitzer| url=| publisher=Gibson| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref> Wurlitzer contina a costruire jukebox e vending machine nella fabbrica di [[Hullhorst]] in Germania. La sede Wurlitzer è a Hullhorst mentre le divisioni vendite e commercilizzazione negli USA sonoa Gurnee (Illinois) e [[Oxfordshire]], Inghilterra.

== Pianoforti acustici ==
[[File:Detalle de piano Wurlitzer 04.JPG|thumb|Tastiera del Wurlitzer acoustic piano]]
All'inizio del 1880, Wurlitzer costruì una linea completa di ''grand piano''. Nel 1914, Wurlitzer divenne il solo distributore della Melville Clark Pianos e nel 1919 acquisì la Melville Clark. Wurlitzer continò la costruzione di pianoforti presso lo stabilimento Clark a DeKalb (Illinois) amarchio Melville Clark. Altri marchi furono Apollo, De Kalb, Julius Bauer, Farney, Kingston, Kurtzman, Merrium. Schaff Bros. e Underwood.<ref>{{cite web| title=Wurlitzer Pianos| url=| publisher=Total Piano Care| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref>

Wurlitzer eccelse nella fabbricazione di pianoforti. Sviluppò il "Pentagonal Soundboard", il "Tone crafted hammers", e altre innovazioni uniche. Nel 1935, fu uno dei pochi costruttori ad offrire spinette al mercato di massa.

== Butterfly grand piano ==
[[File:Wurlitzerbutterfly.jpg|thumb|Wurlitzer Butterfly Art Deco Deluxe 88 - Model 1411]]
A metà degli anni '30, Wurlitzer presentò una linea di symmetrical grand piano, o "Butterfly". Furono costruiti nella Wurlitzer di DeKalb (Illinois). I modelli partivano dal ''Student Butterfly'' a 44 tasti, al 88 tasti del Deluxe Art Deco Streamline Model 1411. Il Model 1411 ebbe diversi brevetti di protezione. Un'altra innovazione fu il "Tone Amplifier".

Wurlitzer costruì l'ultimo modello dell aserie a 73 tasti.<ref>{{cite web| url=| title=Welcome| publisher=Wurlitzer Butterfly Piano Registry| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref>
== Band organs ==
Among Wurlitzer's electronic instruments, beginning with [[electrostatic reed organ]]s in 1947, the most important have been the fully [[electronic organ]]s, especially the two-manual-and-pedals spinet type (from 1971 with synthesizer features) for domestic use. In the mid-1950s, Wurlitzer began manufacturing portable [[Wurlitzer electric piano|electric piano]]s.
Vedi anche|Lista degli organi Wurlitzer Band Organs|North Tonawanda Barrel Organ Factory}}

After the [[United States Government]] imposed high [[import tariff]]s on street and fairground organ importation in 1892,<ref>{{cite web| url=| first=Tim| last=Trager| title=Some History on Limonaire Freres And Its Famous Band Organs| work=Carousel News| date=April 2008| accessdate=April 20, 2008}}</ref> Wurlitzer began producing mechanical organs. Most were small [[barrel organ]]s, playing from a pinned barrel and powered by either steam or cranked by hand. Many of these organs have cases finished in dark (and sometimes black) wood, with gold incised designs, not unlike those of the European manufacturers of barrel organs.
Rembert Wurlitzer (1904–63) independently directed the firm's violin department from 1949 until his death in 1963, building it into a leading international center for rare string instruments.

As parts were not subject to import tariffs, almost all Wurlitzer band organs are copied from designs by European manufacturers. For example, the style 104 and style 105 were copied from a [[Gebrüder Bruder]] barrel organ. The style 146 was identical copied from Brüder's model 79 fairground organ, except that the side wings (portions of the façade concealing the drums) were removed. The style 157 was copied from a [[Gavioli]] special style of organ (only 2 or 3 of this style of organ are known to exist; the former organ at [[Dorney Park]] was one, but it was destroyed in a fire). And, the style 165 is copied from the Gebrüder Bruder "Elite Apollo Orchester."
In the 1960s Wurlitzer ventured into new instrument markets. In 1964, Wurlitzer bought the rights, registered trademarks, copyrights, patents, engineering records and factory of the Henry C. [[Martin Band Instrument Company]] which manufactured brass wind instruments in Elkhart, Indiana (not to be confused with the C.F. Martin & Company guitar maker). In 1967, Wurlitzer entered the guitar market as the sole distributor of Holman-Woodell guitars, which were originally sold under the Wurlitzer brand. (See Electric Guitars, below.) Wurlitzer then switched to an Italian guitar maker, Welson, before abandoning guitar sales altogether in 1969.

As demand for organs grew from the fairground operators, Wurlitzer was approached by [[Eugene de Kleist]], an-ex employee of [[Limonaire Frères]] and the founder of the [[North Tonawanda Barrel Organ Factory]]. After De Kliest developed the tonophone for the company, which won a gold medal at the 1901 [[Pan-American Exposition]], Wurlitzer invested in his company.
While original Wurlitzer jukeboxes sold very well, technology soon outpaced Wurlitzer. By the 1950s other companies dominated the jukebox market. Wurlitzer sold its Martin rights to [[Leblanc (musical instrument manufacturer)|LeBlanc ]] in 1971, to focus on its core markets with pianos and jukeboxes.<ref>{{cite web| title=Martin Instrument Models| url=| publisher=The Vintage Saxophone Gallery| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref> However, in 1973, Wurlitzer sold its jukebox brand to a German company and closed the North Tonawanda factory. Piano and organ manufacturing continued in Mississippi and Arkansas factories for a number of years.

Wurlitzer bought De Kliest's interest in the business in 1909 and assumed operation of the North Tonawanda factory. The new company invested in new technology, resulting in the adoption of electric motors, and the music source was changed from pinned barrels to perforated paper rolls similar to a player piano roll. Some larger organs such as the style 157 and style 165 have duplex roll frames, on which one roll plays while the other rewinds, allowing for continuous music. Each paper roll contained about 10 songs. During the Great Depression this was changed to 6 longer songs to save money on arranging.
The [[Baldwin Piano Company]] purchased Wurlitzer's piano-making assets and brand in 1988. Subsequently, the Gibson Guitar Corporation acquired Baldwin and operated it as a wholly owned subsidiary. Meanwhile, Gibson acquired Deutche Wurlitzer Jukebox and Electronics Vending brand in 2006, briefly bringing the primary Wurlitzer product lines back under the one owner. However, Baldwin stopped using the Wurlitzer name on pianos by the end of 2009. Gibson now uses the Wurlitzer brand name exclusively for jukeboxes and vending machines.<ref>{{cite web| title=Wurlitzer| url=| publisher=Gibson| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref> Wurlitzer continues to manufacture jukeboxes and vending machines at its factory in Hullhorst, Germany. Wurlitzer world headquarters are also located in Hullhorst while the company has branch distribution and sales offices in Gurnee, Illinois (U.S.) and Oxfordshire, England.

The only substantial changes between the Wurlitzer U.S.-made organs and the European originals they copied is that the Wurlitzer models operated on Wurlitzer's unique roll scale. These included the 41-note style 125 roll (used by styles 103, 104, 105, 106, 125, and 126), the wider 46-note 150 roll (used by styles 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, and 153), or the still wider 75-note 165 roll (used by styles 157, 163, 164, 165, 166, and 175). Due to Wurlitzer's success and domination of the market, many smaller American manufacturers adopted scales similar to Wurlitzer's. Wurlitzer abandoned production of nickelodeons in the early 1940s but continued to manufacture the paper player piano music rolls through a wholly owned subsidiary called the Endless Roll Music Company.

The production of Wurlitzer organs ceased in 1942, the last organ to leave the factory being a style 165 organ in a 157 case (done because Wurlitzer had an extra 157 case remaining in the factory and the owner didn't mind the change). During the Great Depression leading up to the end of production, various cost-cutting measures were made, such as the substitution of brass horn and trumpet pipes for ones made of wood (though arguably the change from brass to wood may have been due to the shrill sound produced by the brass pipes which some people may have found unpleasant; wood pipes produced a mellower sound).

Some orchestrions made by the company can be found at [[Clark's Trading Post]], [[Lincoln, New Hampshire]], USA, the Music Hall, [[Nevada City, Montana]], USA, and the [[Jasper Sanfilippo]] Collection at [[Sanfilippo Place de la Musique|Victorian Palace]], [[Barrington Hills, Illinois]], USA.

See [[List of Wurlitzer Band Organs]] for detail list of models.

==Nickelodeons and player pianos==
[[Image:Musée Mécanique 143.JPG|thumb|246px|Wurlitzer nickelodeon]]
Wurlitzer, starting around 1900 until circa 1935 produced nickelodeon pianos, or coin pianos, which are electrically operated player pianos that take coins to operate, like a jukebox.

The company produced various models of nickelodeons, such as the early Wurlitzer Mandolin Quartette—Wurlitzer's alternative to the Regina Sublima Piano. This machine has a reiterating piano with mandolin attachment along with an accompanying piano. They later introduced the Wurlitzer A.P.P roll; a universal roll to be used on all subsequent Wurlitzer nickelodeons. Models such as the B(X), C(X), D(X) and I(X) use this roll.

Wurlitzer also produced an automatic roll changer system so when a roll finished rewinding another was put on in a carousel-like system. An 'X' at the end of a model number indicates that model was fitted with a roll changer.

Records indicate Wurlitzer sold player piano mechanisms to other manufacturers who installed Wurlitzer components in their own pianos and sold them under other brand names. One example is the Milner player piano company. Milner pianos were built in Cincinnati at a time consistent with Wurlitzer's presence there. Company records suggest Wurlitzer acquired the Milner company<ref>{{cite web| title=Inventory of the Wurlitzer Company, DeKalb, Illinois Records| url=| publisher=Northern Illinois University Libraries| accessdate=2017-08-07}}</ref> in addition to the several other companies acquired by Wurlitzer over the years, but it is possible that Milner may have simply used Wurlitzer components in their own product.

== Theatre organs ==
[[File:Berlin Wurlitzer Spieltisch 3.jpg|thumb|246px|The keyboard of a "Mighty Wurlitzer", from the [[Berlin Musical Instrument Museum]]]]
{{See also|Robert Hope-Jones|Wurlitzers in the United Kingdom}}

Perhaps the most famous instruments Wurlitzer built were its [[pipe organ]]s (from 1914 until 1943), which were installed in theatres, homes, churches, and other venues. These were marketed as "'''The Mighty Wurlitzers'''".<ref>{{cite journal| title=It's a Wurlitzer| url=| last=Miller| first=Mary K.| date=April 2002| journal=[[Smithsonian (magazine)|Smithsonian]]| accessdate=November 29, 2017}}</ref>

Englishman [[Robert Hope-Jones]], considered the inventor of the [[theatre organ]], had developed a concept of the organ as a "one man orchestra" to accompany [[silent movie]]s. Hope-Jones' concept was based on two principles:
* That a [[pipe organ]] should be able to imitate the instruments of an orchestra
* That the console should be detachable from the [[Organ (music)|organ]].<ref>{{cite journal| url=| title=Homage to Robert Hope-Jones| work=Theatre Organ| date=December 1973 – April 1974| first=Stevens| last=Irwin| archive-url=| archive-date=January 1, 2011}}</ref>

Among his sound innovations were a kind of [[electro-pneumatic action]], the ''[[Organ pipes#Diaphone pipes|Diaphone]]'' and the modern ''[[Tibia Clausa]]'' with its strong 8′ flute tone. The Tibia Clausa eventually became a staple of theater organs. Hope-Jones organs were also noted for such innovations as ''stopkeys'' instead of ''drawknobs'' and very high wind pressures of 10″–50″ to imitate orchestral instruments. He also used a system of unification, which multiplied considerably the number of stops relative to the number of ranks.<ref name=Resonance>{{cite journal|first=Jonathan |last=Ortloff |title=A Robert Hope-Jones Organ in Rochester |journal=Resonance |page=15 |date=Spring 2005 |publisher=[[Eastman School of Music]] |url= |deadurl=unfit |archiveurl=| archivedate=26 June 2013 }}</ref>

Between 1887 and 1911 his company employed 112 workers at its peak, producing 246 organs.<ref>{{cite book| first=David H.| last=Fox| title=Robert Hope-Jones| location=Richmond, Virginia| publisher=Organ Historical Society| isbn=978-0913499092| date=December 1992}}</ref> But shortly after merging his organ business with Wurlitzer, he committed suicide in 1914 in Rochester, New York, frustrated by his new association with the Wurlitzer company, it is said.<ref name=Resonance /> Moving the business to their [[North Tonawanda Barrel Organ Factory]], from 1914 to 1942, Wurlitzer built over 2,243 pipe organs: 30 times the rate of Hope-Jones company, and more theatre organs than the rest of the theatre organ manufacturers combined.

A number were shipped overseas, with the largest export market being the [[Wurlitzers in the United Kingdom|United Kingdom]]. The first of these theatre pipe organ to be shipped to the United Kingdom was dispatched from the North Tonawanda factory on 1 December 1924. It opened at its first location – The Picture House in [[Walsall]], at the end of January 1925. This particular instrument (Britain's oldest Wurlitzer organ) is now located at the Congregational Church in [[Beer, Devon]]. Regular concerts and shows are hosted on the Beer Wurlitzer.<ref>{{cite web| title=Friends of Beer Wurlitzer| url=| accessdate=28 October 2014}}</ref>

The largest Wurlitzer organ originally built (in terms of pipes), was the four-[[Manual (music)|manual]] / 58-rank (set of pipes) instrument at [[Radio City Music Hall]] in New York City. The Music Hall instrument is actually a concert instrument, capable of playing a classical as well as non-classical repertoire. It, along with the organ at the [[Paramount Theatre (Denver, Colorado)|Paramount Theatre]] in Denver Colorado are the only Wurlitzer installations still in use that have dual [[organ console|consoles]]. While Denver's is the typical "master-slave" system, Radio City is the only surviving original Wurlitzer installation to have two identical and completely independent consoles playing the same organ. Both instruments have been substantially altered in more recent years.

[[Manual (music)|5-Manual]] theatre organ consoles are extremely rare, and only three were built by Wurlitzer:
* Opus 1351, (28 ranks), originally installed in the [[Michigan Building|Michigan Theatre]], in [[Detroit]]. The organ was removed in 1956 and is now installed in a private residence in [[Racine, Wisconsin]]. Six additional ranks were added, to make it a 34-rank.<ref>{{cite news| title=3,000-pipe organ rules Caledonia man's 'basement bijou'| url=| first=Chelsey| last=Lewis| work=[[Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]]| date=November 8, 2015| accessdate=July 27, 2017}}</ref>
* Opus 1587, (21 ranks), originally installed in the Marbro Theatre, in [[Chicago]]. It is now installed at the [[Providence Performing Arts Center]] in Rhode Island.<ref>{{cite web| title=Providence Performing Arts Center| url=| publisher=Rhode Island Rocks| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref>
* Opus 1942, (21 ranks), originally installed in the [[Paradise Theatre (Chicago)|Paradise Theatre]], in Chicago.<ref name="">{{cite web| title=Wurlitzer Opus List; page 242| url=| publisher=Vintage Hammond| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref>

Two other instruments presently have five-manual Wurlitzer-styled consoles, although they were not built by Wurlitzer but were either custom-built or created by combining two smaller Wurlitzer consoles:
* Opus 2129, now installed in [[Salt Lake City]] .<ref>{{cite web| title=Wurlitzer Opus List; page 272| url=| publisher=Vintage Hammond| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref> Opus 2129 originally had a slave console, and the 5-manual console was created by combining the two original consoles.<ref>{{cite web| title=Additional Information| url=| accessdate=July 28, 2017| publisher=Vintage Hammond}}</ref>
* Opus 1571, originally built as a 4-manual instrument; it was expanded to a 5-manual and is part of the [[Place de la Musique]] collection, at the [[Jasper Sanfilippo]] residence.<ref>{{cite web| title=Theatre Pipe Organ| url=| publisher=The Sanfilippo Foundation| accessdate=31 October 2013}}</ref> The console was custom-built for this installation, and was patterned after the original Paradise Theatre 5-manual console.

Wurlitzer organs still in their original locations (although perhaps altered) include:
* [[Alabama Theatre]], Birmingham, Alabama<ref>{{cite web| title=The Mighty Wurlitzer| url=| accessdate=July 28, 2017| publisher=The Alabama Theatre}}</ref>
* [[Bardavon 1869 Opera House]], Poughkeepsie, New York
* [[Beacon Theatre (New York City)|Beacon Theatre]], [[New York City]]
* [[Byrd Theatre]], Richmond, Virginia
* [[California Theatre (San Bernardino)|California Theatre]], [[San Bernardino, California]]
* [[Castro Theatre]], San Francisco The original Castro Organ was a Robert Morton and is possibly now in Lodi, CA. The second Castro Organ, installed by Richard Taylor in 1982, was removed in November 2015 because of upkeep costs and will be replaced by a pipe/digital hybrid.<ref>{{cite news| title=An organ transplant for the Castro Theatre's Mighty Wurlitzer| url=| publisher=[[KALW]]| first=Parker| last=Yesko| date=November 30, 2015}}</ref>
* [[Chicago Theatre]], Chicago
* [[Miami, Oklahoma#Coleman Theatre|Coleman Theatre]], Miami, Oklahoma
* Collège Claparède, [[Geneva]]<ref>{{cite web| title=A Decouvrir! l'Orgue du Cinema "Wurlitzer" de 1937| url=| language=French| publisher=Friends of the Theatre Organ of Collège Claparède| accessdate=July 28, 2017|trans-title=Discover! The 1937 Wurlitzer Theater Organ}}</ref>
* [[Creighton Orpheum Theater|Orpheum Theatre]], Omaha, Nebraska
* [[Egyptian Theatre (Coos Bay, Oregon)|Egyptian Theatre]], Coos Bay, Oregon
* [[Fargo Theatre]], Fargo, North Dakota
* [[Fox Theatre (Detroit)|Fox Theatre]], Detroit
* [[Fox Theatre (St. Louis)|Fox Theatre]], Saint Louis
* [[Gaumont State Cinema|Gaumont Cinema]], [[Kilburn, London]]
* [[Granada, Tooting|Granada Cinema]], [[Tooting]], London
* [[Grand Lake Theater]], Oakland, California The original "Fox Grand Lake" organ Wurlitzer removed by Dr. Bell in 1963, Ernie Wilson & Crew installed another "composite" organ in Grand Lake in 1983, since then the composite organ has been modified to present configuration{{citation needed|date=July 2017}}
* Greenfield Theater, Milwaukee
* [[Kentucky Theatre]], Lexington, Kentucky <ref>{{cite web| title=Kentucky Theater's Mighty Wurlitzer Restoration| url=| work=[[Lexington Herald-Leader]]| accessdate=July 28, 2017}}</ref>
* [[Lincoln Theatre (Mount Vernon, Washington)|Lincoln Theatre]], Mount Vernon, Washington
* [[Lorain Palace Theatre]], Lorain, Ohio
* Meyer Theatre, Green Bay, Wisconsin
* [[Mount Baker Theatre]], [[Bellingham, Washington]]
* [[New Gallery (London)|New Gallery]], London
* Old Town Music Hall, [[El Segundo, California]]<ref>{{cite web| url=| title=Old Town Music Hall| publisher=Old Town Music Hall| accessdate=August 29, 2014}}</ref>
* [[Opera House Theatre, Blackpool|Opera House]], [[Blackpool]] – The last Wurlitzer to be shipped to the UK from the Wurlitzer Factory
* [[Orpheum Theatre (Memphis, Tennessee)|Orpheum Theatre]], Memphis, Tennessee
* [[Orpheum Theatre (Sioux City, Iowa)|Orpheum Theatre]], Sioux City, Iowa
* [[Paramount Theatre (Brooklyn)|Paramount Theatre]], [[Brooklyn]], now LIU [[Schwartz Athletic Center]]
* [[Paramount Theatre (Cedar Rapids, Iowa)|Paramount Theatre]], [[Cedar Rapids]]
* [[Paramount Theatre (Denver, Colorado)|Denver Paramount Theatre]], [[Denver]]
* [[Paramount Theatre (Seattle, Washington)|Paramount Theatre]], Seattle
* [[Plaza Theatre (El Paso)|Plaza Theatre]], El Paso Texas
* [[Providence Performing Arts Center]], Providence, Rhode Island
* [[Radio City Music Hall]], New York City
* [[Riviera Theatre (North Tonawanda)|Riviera Theatre]], North Tonawanda, New York
* [[Seattle International Film Festival|SIFF Cinema Egyptian]], Seattle, Washington
* [[Shea's Performing Arts Center|Shea's Theatre]], Buffalo, New York
* [[Stadium Theatre]], Woonsocket, Rhode Island
* [[Stanford Theatre]], [[Palo Alto, California]] (Possibly not an original installation)
* [[Tampa Theatre]], Tampa, Florida
* [[Tennessee Theatre]], Knoxville, Tennessee
* [[Tivoli Theatre (Chattanooga, Tennessee)|Tivoli Theatre]], Chattanooga, Tennessee
* [[Tower Ballroom]], Blackpool
* [[Troxy|Troxy Theatre]], London
* [[Virginia Theatre (Champaign)|Virginia Theatre]], Champaign, Illinois
* [[Weinberg Center]], Frederick, Maryland

[[File:MIM Mighty Wurlitzer.jpg|thumb|upright|Mighty Wurlitzer type 250 <span style="font-size:90%;">([[Berlin Musical Instrument Museum]])</span>]]
Another example of the large-scale Mighty Wurlitzer can be found in the [[Berlin Musical Instrument Museum]]. Werner Ferdinand von Siemens purchased the large four-manual, 16-rank Mighty Wurlitzer Style 250 special in 1929 and installed it in the Siemens Concert Hall in August of that year. At the end of [[World War II]] the organ and the concert hall became property of the German government. The Mighty Wurlitzer survived the war, but was seriously damaged in 1962 by a fire caused by a careless cigarette. From February to December 1963 Marvin E. Merchant, a U.S. soldier stationed in Berlin, repaired the organ at his own expense. In 1982, the government gave the instrument to the Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Eberhard Friedrich Walcker GmbH & Co. completely restored and installed it in the museum in 1984 where it remains today and is played every Saturday at noon.<ref>{{cite web| first=Rainer| last=Siebert| url= |title=The MIGHTY WURLITZER in Berlin | |accessdate=October 14, 2009}}</ref>

In 1955, a group of enthusiasts met in the dining room of [[Richard Simonton]], an early investor of [[Muzak]] and formed the ''American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts'' (ATOE) to preserve remaining theatre organs, including those by other builders, such as [[Robert Morton Organ Company|Morton]], [[M. P. Moller|Möller]], [[W.W. Kimball Company|Kimball]], [[Marr and Colton]], [[Barton Organ Company|Barton]], and [[Kilgen]]. The ATOE is now known as the [[American Theatre Organ Society]] (ATOS).<ref>{{cite web |url= |publisher=American Theatre Organ Society |title=ATOS History |accessdate=July 29, 2017}}</ref> A similar society formed in the [[United Kingdom|UK]] in 1952 known as the [[Cinema Organ Society]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |publisher=The Cinema Organ Society |title=About Us |accessdate=October 14, 2009}}</ref>

== Mighty Wurlitzer as metaphor==
Senior [[CIA]] official [[Frank Wisner]] coined the term "Mighty Wurlitzer" to denote a propaganda campaign labeled [[Operation Mockingbird]] that could "play any tune" to the news media of his day.<ref>{{cite book |last=Wilford |first=Hugh |title=The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America |publisher=Harvard University Press |date=May 2009 |isbn=978-0674032569}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Herken |first=Gregg |title=The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington |publisher=Knopf |date=October 2014 |pages=Ch. 7 |isbn=978-0307271181}}</ref> The metaphor has evolved into a somewhat generalized way to refer to US propaganda overall. An example of this is a recent article posted on Crytome called "Sony Pictures Presents: the Propaganda Model The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On".<ref>{{cite journal| title=The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On| first=Bill| last=Blunden| date=December 19, 2014| url=| work=Cryptome}}</ref> The metaphor is unusual as Robert Hope Jones (of the UK) was a primary force behind the creation of the Theatre Organ or Cinema Organ but no such or like or similar metaphor has been used to describe UK propaganda.

== Jukeboxes ==
{{doppia immagine|right|Midcentury 24-disc Wurlitzer jukebox 02.jpg|120|Dscn2823-Wurlitzer-3500-Zodiac-On.jpg|120|Wurlitzer 24disc Jukebox|Wurlitzer 3500 Jukebox (1971)}}
{{See also|Jukebox|Homer E. Capehart}}

The Wurlitzer was the iconic jukebox of the [[Big Band]] era, to the extent that Wurlitzer came in some places to be a generic name for any jukebox. (In [[Hungarian language|Hungarian]], "wurlitzer" still means "jukebox", for example &ndash; despite Hungarian only using the letter W for foreign language words). Wurlitzer's success was due to a first rate marketing department (headed by future [[Indiana]] Senator [[Homer Capehart]]), the reliable Simplex record changer, and the designs of engineer Paul Fuller who created many cabinet styles in the "lightup" design idiom. Another significant factor contributing to Wurlitzer's success was the end of Prohibition in 1933 and the resulting increase in the market for coin-operated music machines in bars and dance halls.

Wurlitzer's original jukeboxes played only 10 78-rpm records, one side only, later expanded to 24. With the advent of smaller 45 rpm records, Wurlitzer was beat to the punch by Seeburg mechanisms which could play both sides of 50 different records, yielding 100 song choices.<ref name=juke /> Although Wurlitzer ceded the crown of industry leader to rival [[Seeburg Corporation|Seeburg]] in the 1950s, Fuller's designs are so emblematic of jukeboxes in general that 1940s era Wurlitzers are often used to invoke the Rock n' Roll period in films and television. Wurlitzer struggled on for 20 years or so and made one final effort to keep its jukebox business viable with a nostalgic 1971 model called the "1050." The model didn't sell well and only 1600 units were produced. The jukebox line was sold to a German company in 1973.

Jukeboxes bearing the Wurlitzer name were in production until the company ceased manufacturing in 2013. The Gibson Guitar Corporation acquired the German jukebox and vending machine manufacturer which made them in 2006. The more recent models are able to play CDs, as well as special edition units with iPod connectivity. Wurlitzer still sells jukebox replacement parts.

[[Image:Wurlitzer210.png|thumb|246px|<span style="font-size:90%;">Wurlitzer 210 Electric Piano</span>]]

== Electric pianos ==
{{Main|Wurlitzer electric piano}}

From 1955 to 1982 the company also produced the Wurlitzer electric piano series, an electrically amplified piano variant.

== Electric guitars ==
In 1966, music store owner Howard Holman used his contacts at the Martin Band Instrument Company, owned by Wurlitzer at that time, to convince Wurlitzer to distribute a line of electric guitars manufactured by Holman's start-up company in Kansas. Wurlitzer became the sole distributor of guitars made by the Holman-Woodell Company of Neodesha, Kansas, USA.

The guitar labels reflected Wurlitzer's Elkhart, Indiana location, but with the exception of a handful of prototypes made above Holman's music store in Independence, KS, the guitars themselves were built in a small two-storey building on Main Street in Neodesha. Three models were available: the Cougar, Wildcat and Gemini, all of which were functionally similar but featured different body shapes. The majority of the Kansas-made instruments were six-string guitars, with only a handful of basses being manufactured.<ref name="macy97">{{cite journal |last1=Macy |first1=Kevin |first2=Michael |last2=Wright |title=Holman Guitars |url= |journal=Vintage Guitar Magazine |date=July 1997 |pages=22–27}}</ref> Distinguishing features of the first Wurlitzer branded guitars are the "W"-shaped cut-out in the tremolo mounting plate and the Rock/Jazz selection rocker switch above each pick-up. Another feature of the earliest Wurlitzer electrics was that they were wired for stereo output. In 1967, Wurlitzer ceased its affiliation with the Holman-Woodell Company, possibly due to problems with the finish on Holman-Woodell guitars which resulted in many instruments being returned to the factory.

Beginning in 1967, Wurlitzer-branded guitars were manufactured by Welson in Italy, and the Wurlitzer line expanded to include semi-hollow body electric as well as acoustic guitars.<ref name="macy97" /><ref>{{cite journal| title=Welson| first=Jack| last=Marchal| url=|}}</ref> Wurlitzer continued to distribute Welson-made guitars under the Wurlitzer name until 1969 when Wurlitzer stopped selling guitars under its own brand name.


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==Voci correlate==
{{Colonne spezza}}
;organi e tastiere
* [[Theatre organ]]
** [[Robert Hope-Jones]]
** [[Wurlitzers in the United Kingdom]]
* [[Band organ]]
** [[North Tonawanda Barrel Organ Factory]]
** [[Lista degli organi Wurlitzer Band Organs]]
** [[Orgatron]] (electrostatic reed organ)
** [[Wurlitzer electric piano]]

{{Colonne spezza}}
;strumenti a corda
* Electric guitar [[Welson]]
* [[Rembert Wurlitzer Co.]]
* [[Jukebox]]
** [[Homer E. Capehart]]
* [[Drum machine]]

;current owner
* [[Gibson Guitar Corporation]]
** [[Baldwin Piano Company]]
{{colonne fine}}

== Altri progetti ==
== Altri progetti ==

Versione delle 14:01, 26 apr 2018

Rudolph Wurlitzer Company
StatoBandiera degli Stati Uniti Stati Uniti
Altri statiBandiera della Germania Germania
Fondata daFranz Rudolph Wurlitzer
Sede principaleCincinnati
GruppoGibson Corporation
Tipico jukebox Wurlitzer

La Rudolph Wurlitzer Company (nota anche nella forma abbreviata Wurlitzer), è una società tedesco-americana, dedita all'attività di produzione di strumenti musicali e distributori automatici.

In origine produceva strumenti a corda, strumenti a fiato (legni e ottoni), theatre organs e band organs, o orchestrions (organi che potevano riprodurre e imitare tutti i suoni di un'orchestra) e jukebox. Col tempo la Wurlitzer passò alla sola produzione di organi e jukebox. A metà degli anni sessanta ha iniziato la produzione di distributori automatici per alimenti divenendo leader indiscusso a livello mondiale per qualità e tecnologia. Dal 1967 le sue chitarre prodotte in Italia dalla Welson.

Uno strumento per cui il marchio Wurlitzer è divenuto famoso in ambito musicale è il piano elettrico, denominato Electronic Piano dalla casa madre e prodotto dal 1950 al 1982. Concettualmente à simile al Fender Rhodes, ma, a differenza del suo più blasonato simile, ha dei veri e propri martelletti strutturati come quelli del pianoforte, che percuotono lamelle metalliche (ance) la cui vibrazione è rilevata da un pick-up elettrostatico. Il fatto che vi siano i martelletti rende il tocco sulla tastiera quasi uguale a quella di un piano vero. Nei concerti di John Lennon lo strumento era sempre presente.

I jukebox Wurlitzer vennero dal 1973 prodotti in Germania. Dal 1986 ha di nuovo iniziato a produrre, come "Wurlitzer Classic Series", repliche dei famosissimi jukebox, con all'interno sistemi di riproduzione all'avanguardia per CD, mp3 e ultimamente interfacciabili all'I-Pod.

I pianoforti e organi Wurlitzer vennero ceduti alla Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (Baldwin Piano Company) nel 1988. The Baldwin Co., incluso Wurlitzer, venne ceduta alla Gibson Guitar Corporation nel 1996. Nel 2006, Gibson acquisisce la Deutsche Wurlitzer e Wurlitzer Jukebox e Vending Electronics. Baldwin cedette il marchio Wurlitzer per i pianoforti nel 2009. La Deutsche Wurlitzer Gmbh negli anni 2000, oltre alla produzione dei Jukebox e dei distributori snack e sigarette, ha affiancato nuove linee di produzione quali distributori automatici per giornali, surgelati, parafarmaci, DVD, multimediali, e molti altri prodotti, mantenendo inalterati i processi produttivi e l'altissima qualità, a marchio Wurlitzer su licenza Gibson. La produzione di jukeboxe cessò nel 2013.

La storica Rembert Wurlitzer Co. divisione storica della Wurlitzer di strumenti musicali fu diretta indipendentemente dal bisnonno di Rudolph Wurlitzer, Rembert Wurlitzer (1904–63), dal 1948 fino alla morte nel 1963. Il negozio di Rembert sulla 42nd Street a New York City è rinomato in tutto il mondo.[1]

La Wurlitzer ha sedi di rappresentanze commerciali in tutto il mondo: in Italia è a Roma, in località Settebagni.


American Mohawk Lyric Radio come Mfd. by Wurlitzer ca. anni '20

Da Schöneck in Sassonia il tedesco Franz Rudolph Wurlitzer (1831–1914) fondò la Wurlitzer Company a Cincinnati nel 1853. I figli Howard, Rudolph, e Farny successivamente diressero la società dopo la sua morte. Originariamente la società importò i prodotti dalla Wurlitzer in Germania. La Wurlitzer divenne fornitrice dell'esercito durante la guerra civile americana e la guerra ispano-americana. Nel 1880 la Wurlitzer iniziò a fabbricare pianoforti poi venduti nel'outlet di Chicago.[2] Nel 1896 Wurlitzer fabbricò il primo pianoforte automatico a moneta.[3]

A fine '800, le fiere erano molto popolari e, la massa sempre più numerosa e meccanizzata, divenne necessario l'uso di sistemi di diffusione sonora per la musica. Il fairground organ venne sviluppato. Eugene DeKleist di North Tonawanda, New York fu uno dei primi costrutttori di tale organo (il "barrel organ") in uso alle giostre. Wurlitzer partecipò alla attività imprenditoriale di DeKleist, la North Tonawanda Barrel Organ Factory nel 1897 e nel 1909, rilevò l'azienda, spostando l'attività Wurlitzer dall'Ohio a New York.[2] Nel 1909, l'azienda iniziò a costruire arpe di pregevole fattura e dal 1924 agli anni '30 furono sul mercato disponibili otto modelli diversi. Il "Mighty Wurlitzer"  organo da teatro fu introdotto a fine anni '10 del XX secolo e divenne il prodotto Wurlitzer di punta. L'organo Wurlitzer è presente in numerosi teatri, musei, chiese del mondo intero.

Con l'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale, l'import dalla Germania divenne problematico e Wurlitzer si concentrò sulla produzione domestica. Nei primi anni '30 Wurlitzer costruì un nuovo stabilimento allo stato dell'arte a North Tonawanda.[4] Wurlitzer abbandonò la produzione di nickelodeon ma continuò con i paper player piano music rolls con una sussidiaria, la Endless Roll Music Company. Wurlitzer comprò anche la Lyric All American Mohawk Radio Company di Chicago, fabbricante di Radio. Lyric era un marchio hi-end con prezzi da $425 nel 1929.[5]

Wurlitzer fece joint-venture con James Armitage, George Herschell, e altri. Costruì una fabbrica a Goundry e Oliver Streets in North Tonawanda per la produzione di piccole serie di organi e ghironde.

Dal 1933, Wurlitzer come nome venne abbinato ai jukebox. Nel 1942, la produzione di organi a North Tonawanda cessò e la produzione cambiò in fusi di prossimità per bombe. Dopo la guerra ritornarono a produrre radio, jukebox e piccoli organi elettrici per uso domestico.

Wurlitzer iniziò con gli strumenti musicali elettronici con l'electrostatic reed organ nel 1947, il più importante e completo fu l'organo elettronico, in particolare la spinetta two-manual-and-pedals (dal 1971 con caratteristiche di sintetizzatore) per uso domestico. A metà degli anni '50, Wurlitzer iniziò la commercializzazione del portatile Wurlitzer electric piano.

Rembert Wurlitzer (1904–63) diresse la divisione "violini" dal 1949 fino alla morte nel 1963, facendolo diventare un centro internazionale di restauro.

Wurlitzer nel 1964 comprò i diritti e il marchio e i brevetti della Henry C. Martin Band Instrument Company che fabbricava strumenti ottoni a Elkhart, Indiana (da non confondere con la C.F. Martin & Company delle chitarre. Nel 1967, Wurlitzer entrò nel mercato delle chitarre come distributore delle Holman-Woodell, a marchio Wurlitzer. Successivamente passò alla italiana Welson, prima dell'abbandono del mercato nel 1969.

Dagli anni '50 i jukebox, come mercato, furono saturati da altri costruttori. Wurlitzer vendette i diritti della Martin alla Leblanc nel 1971, per concentrarsi su pianoforti e jukeboxe.[7] Nel 1973 Wurlitzer vendette la divisione jukebox alla consociata tedesca e chiuse la fabbrica di North Tonawanda. Pianoforti e organi vennero costruiti ancora per diversi anni in Mississippi e Arkansas.

La Baldwin Piano Company comprò la divisione pianoforti della Wurlitzer nel 1988. Successivamente la Gibson Guitar Corporation acquisì la Baldwin facendone una sussidiaria. La Gibson acquisì anche la Deutche Wurlitzer Jukebox and Electronics Vending nel 2006. Baldwin interruppe l'uso del marchio Wurlitzer sui pianoforti nel 2009. Gibson usa il marchio Wurlitzer solo per jukebox e distributori automatici.[8] Wurlitzer contina a costruire jukebox e vending machine nella fabbrica di Hullhorst in Germania. La sede Wurlitzer è a Hullhorst mentre le divisioni vendite e commercilizzazione negli USA sonoa Gurnee (Illinois) e Oxfordshire, Inghilterra.

Pianoforti acustici

Tastiera del Wurlitzer acoustic piano

All'inizio del 1880, Wurlitzer costruì una linea completa di grand piano. Nel 1914, Wurlitzer divenne il solo distributore della Melville Clark Pianos e nel 1919 acquisì la Melville Clark. Wurlitzer continò la costruzione di pianoforti presso lo stabilimento Clark a DeKalb (Illinois) amarchio Melville Clark. Altri marchi furono Apollo, De Kalb, Julius Bauer, Farney, Kingston, Kurtzman, Merrium. Schaff Bros. e Underwood.[9]

Wurlitzer eccelse nella fabbricazione di pianoforti. Sviluppò il "Pentagonal Soundboard", il "Tone crafted hammers", e altre innovazioni uniche. Nel 1935, fu uno dei pochi costruttori ad offrire spinette al mercato di massa.

Butterfly grand piano

Wurlitzer Butterfly Art Deco Deluxe 88 - Model 1411

A metà degli anni '30, Wurlitzer presentò una linea di symmetrical grand piano, o "Butterfly". Furono costruiti nella Wurlitzer di DeKalb (Illinois). I modelli partivano dal Student Butterfly a 44 tasti, al 88 tasti del Deluxe Art Deco Streamline Model 1411. Il Model 1411 ebbe diversi brevetti di protezione. Un'altra innovazione fu il "Tone Amplifier".

Wurlitzer costruì l'ultimo modello dell aserie a 73 tasti.[10]


  1. ^ Christopher Germain, Wurlitzer Shop History, in Strings, n. 152, October 2007.
  2. ^ a b History, su, Jukeboxhistory. URL consultato il 28 luglio 2017.
  3. ^ Kevin Grace, Legendary Locals of Cincinnati, Arcadia Publishing, 4 gennaio 2012, p. 37. URL consultato il 7 maggio 2013.
  4. ^ Wurlitzer Manufacturing Company, su, NTHistory. URL consultato il 28 luglio 2017.
  5. ^ All American Mohawk Corporation Lyric Radio Now establishes a new high standard of perfection... and opens wide the doors to joys you have missed in radio., in New York Daily News, Duke University Libraries Ad Collection. URL consultato il 28 luglio 2017.
  6. ^ Frank Pugno, Wurlitzer Organs, su,
  7. ^ Martin Instrument Models, su, The Vintage Saxophone Gallery. URL consultato il July 28, 2017.
  8. ^ Wurlitzer, su, Gibson. URL consultato il July 28, 2017.
  9. ^ Wurlitzer Pianos, su, Total Piano Care. URL consultato il July 28, 2017.
  10. ^ Welcome, su, Wurlitzer Butterfly Piano Registry. URL consultato il July 28, 2017.

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