Frances Louise Lockridge

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(Reindirizzamento da Frances Louise Davis)
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Frances Louise Davis, nota come Frances Lockridge (Kansas City, 10 gennaio 189617 febbraio 1963), è stata una scrittrice statunitense.

Frances Lockridge e il marito Richard Lockridge hanno creato una nota serie di gialli dedicati alla coppia Mr. and Mrs. North.

Romanzi scritti con Richard Lockridge

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  • Mr and Mrs North, 1936
  • The Norths Meet Murder[1], 1940
  • Murder Out of Turn, 1941
  • A Pinch of Poison, 1941
  • Death on the Aisle, 1941
  • Hanged for a Sheep, 1942
  • Death Takes a Bow, 1943
  • Killing the Goose, 1944
  • Payoff for the Banker, 1945
  • Death of a Tall Man, 1946
  • Murder Within Murder, 1946
  • Untidy Murder, 1947
  • Think of Death, 1947
  • Murder Is Served[2], 1948
  • I Want to Go Home, 1948
  • The Dishonest Murderer, 1949
  • Spin Your Web, Lady, 1949
  • Murder in a Hurry, 1950
  • Foggy, Foggy Death, 1950
  • Murder Comes First, 1951
  • A Client Is Cancelled, 1951
  • Dead As a Dinosaur, 1952
  • Death by Association[3], 1952
  • Curtain for a Jester, 1953
  • Death Has a Small Voice, 1953
  • Alzati e muori (Stand Up and Die), 1953
  • A Key to Death, 1954
  • Death and the Gentle Bull[4], 1954
  • Death of an Angel[5], 1955
  • Burnt Offering, 1955
  • The Faceless Adversary[6], 1956
  • Voyage Into Violence, 1956
  • Let Dead Enough Alone, 1956
  • The Tangled Cord, 1957
  • Practise to Deceive, 1957
  • Catch As Catch Can, 1958
  • The Long Skeleton, 1958
  • Accent on Murder, 1958
  • The Innocent House, 1959
  • Murder and Blueberry Pie[7], 1959
  • Murder Is Suggested, 1959
  • The Golden Man, 1960
  • The Judge Is Reversed, 1960
  • Show Red for Danger, 1960
  • The Drill Is Death, 1961
  • Murder Has Its Points, 1961
  • With One Stone[8], 1961
  • Non sono morta! (And Left for Dead), 1962
  • Night of Shadows, 1962
  • The Ticking Clock, 1962
  • First Come, First Kill, 1962
  • Murder by the Book, 1963
  • The Distant Clue, 1963
  • The Devious Ones[9], 1964
  • Quest for the Bogeyman, 1964
  1. ^ titolo alternativo Mr & Mrs North Meet Murder
  2. ^ titolo alternativo A Taste for Murder
  3. ^ titolo alternativo Trial by Terror
  4. ^ titolo alternativo Killer in the Straw
  5. ^ titolo alternativo Mr & Mrs North and the Poisoned Playboy
  6. ^ titolo alternativo Case of the Murdered Redhead
  7. ^ titolo alternativo Call It Coincidence
  8. ^ titolo alternativo No Dignity in Death
  9. ^ titolo alternativo Four Hours to Fear

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