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Questa è una lista di composizioni di Paul Juon. Le opere sono categorizzate per genere, numero di opera, data di composizione (o di pubblicazione) e per titolo.

Le opere di Juon sono state pubblicate dagli editori Robert Lienau, Verlag von F.E.C. Leuckart, Musikverlag Zimmermann, Hug Musikverlage e Carl Fischer Music.

Genere Numero d'opera Data Titolo originale (in lingua tedesca) Strumenti Note
Piano 1894 Zwiegespräch for piano
Piano 1 1898 6 Skizzen for piano
Vocal 2 1895 2 schlichte Lieder for voice and piano
1. words by Eduard Mörike
2. words by Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff
Vocal 3 1895 Margits Lied for voice and piano words from The Feast at Solhaug by Henrik Ibsen; unpublished
Orchestral 3a 1894 Ingeborgs Klage for orchestra unpublished
Chamber music 4 1895 Violoncellosonate Nr. 1 for cello and piano
Chamber music 5 1896 Streichquartett Nr. 1 D-Dur for 2 violins, viola and cello in 5 movements
Stage 1896 Aleko, Oper
Vocal 6 Mörtelweib's Tochter, Ballade for voice and piano words from Simplicissimus
published 1907
Chamber music 7 1898 Violinsonate Nr. 1 A-Dur for violin and piano
Chamber music 7 1898, 1899 Romanze aus der Violinsonate for viola (or cello) and piano composer's adaptation from movement II of the Violin Sonata, Op. 7
Chamber music 8 1904 Märchen a-Moll for cello and piano dedicated to luthier Otto Möckel (1869–1937)
Chamber music 9 1899 Silhouettes, 1re Série for 2 violins (or violin and viola) and piano
Orchestral 10 1895 Sinfonie fis-Moll for orchestra
Chamber music 11 1896 Streichquartett h-Moll for 2 violins, viola and cello unpublished
Piano 12 1899 6 Klavierstücke for piano also published as 6 Konzertstücke
Vocal 13 1900 5 Lieder for voice and piano
1. words by Richard Dehmel
2. words by Rainer Maria Rilke
3. words by Franz Evers
4. words by Richard Dehmel
5. words by Arno Holz
Piano 14 1900 Tanzrhythmen, 7 Stücke (Heft I und II) for piano 4-hands
Chamber music 15 1901 Bratschensonate Nr. 1 D-Dur for viola and piano
Orchestral 16 1901 5 Stücke für Streichorchester for string orchestra
Chamber music 17 1901 Klaviertrio Nr. 1 a-Moll for violin, cello and piano
Piano 18 1901 Satyre und Nymphen, 9 Miniaturen for piano
Chamber music
Trio-Miniaturen, Suite for violin (or clarinet), cello (or viola) and piano arrangement for piano trio by Mikhail Press (published 1920)
1.~3. original for piano solo from Satyre und Nymphen, Op. 18
4. original for piano 4-hands from Tanzrhythmen, Op. 24
Chamber music 19 1901 3 Bagatellen (in der ersten Lage ausführbar) for violin and piano
Piano 20 1902 Kleine Suite for piano
Vocal 21 1907 3 Lieder for voice and piano words by Johannes Schlaf
Chamber music 22 1902 Sextett c-Moll for 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos and piano
Piano 22a 1902, 1903 Sonate (nach dem Sextett) for 2 pianos composer's arrangement of the Piano Sextet, Op. 22
Orchestral 23 1903 Sinfonie in A-Dur for orchestra
Piano 24 1903–1904 Tanzrhythmen, 5 Stücke (Heft III, IV und V) for piano 4-hands also published as Neue Tanzrytmen
No. 4 published in Die Musik, Jahrgang 3, 1903/04, Heft 2 Musikbeilage
Chamber music 25 1902 2 Stücke for clarinet (or violin) and piano
Piano 26 1903 Präludien und Capricen, 10 Stücke for piano
Chamber music 27 1905 Oktett for violin, viola, cello, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano
Chamber music 27a 1905 Septett for 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos and piano composer's arrangement from the Octet
Chamber music 27 1905, 1907 Kammersinfonie B-Dur for string orchestra, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano after the Octet (1905)
Chamber music 28 1904 4 Stücke for violin and piano

3. also for violin and small orchestra
Chamber music 29 1904 Streichquartett Nr. 2 a-Moll for 2 violins, viola and cello
Piano 30 1905 Intime Harmonieen, 12 Impromptus for piano
Orchestral 31 1906 Vægtervise (Wächterweise), Fantasie nach dänischen Volksliedern E-Dur for orchestra
Piano 32 1906 Psyche, Tanzpoëm von H. Regel for piano also orchestrated
Orchestral 32a 1906 Psyche (Tanzpoëm von H. Regel), Ballet-Suite for orchestra original for piano
Orchestral 32/2 1906, 1929 Intermezzo aus dem Tanzpoëm "Psyche" for violin and piano original for piano
Chamber music 33
1906 Klavierquintett Nr. 1 d-Moll for violin, 2 violas, cello and piano
for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano
Chamber music 34 1906 Divertimento in C-Dur for clarinet and 2 violas
Orchestral 35 1906 Aus einem Tagebuch, Symphonische Skizzen for orchestra unpublished
Chamber music 36 1908 Bagatellen, 8 leichte Stücke (I–III Lage) for violin (or flute) and piano
Chamber music 37 1907 Rhapsodie, Klavierquartett Nr. 1 F-Dur for violin, viola, cello and piano inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Piano 38 1907 Den Kindern zum Lauschen, Allerlei Klavierstücke der Jugend zum Vorspielen for piano
Chamber music 39 1908 Trio-Caprice (nach "Gösta Berling" von Selma Lagerlöf), Klaviertrio Nr. 2 D-Dur for violin, cello and piano inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Chamber music 39a 1908 Trio-Caprice (nach "Gösta Berling" von Selma Lagerlöf) for piano 4-hands arrangement by the composer
original for violin, cello and piano
inspired by the novel Gösta Berlings Saga by Selma Lagerlöf
Orchestral 40 1909 Eine Serenadenmusik for orchestra in 3 movements
Piano 41 1908 Tanzrhythmen, 5 Stücke (Heft VI und VII) for piano 4-hands also published as Tanzrytmen, Dritte Folge
Concertante 42 1909 Violinkonzert Nr. 1 h-Moll for violin and orchestra dedicated to violinist Mikhail Press
Chamber music 43 1909 Silhouettes, 2me Série for 2 violins (or violin and viola) and piano
Chamber music 44 1909 Klavierquintett Nr. 2 F-Dur for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano
Concertante 45 1912 Episodes concertantes, Konzert d-Moll for violin, cello, piano and orchestra Triple Concerto; dedicated to Tor Aulin
Piano 46 1911 2 Schelmenweisen for piano
Piano 47 1911 Sonatine G-Dur for piano
Piano 48 1911 4 Miniaturen for piano
Concertante 49 1912 Violinkonzert Nr. 2 A-Dur for violin and orchestra dedicated to violinist Franz von Vecsey
Chamber music 50 1912 Klavierquartett Nr. 2 G-Dur for violin, viola, cello and piano
Chamber music 51 1912 Divertimento F-Dur for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano
Chamber music 52 1912 2 kleine Stücke for violin and piano
Stage 53 1912 Im goldenen Tempelbuch verzeichnet, Bühnenmusik for chamber ensemble Incidental Music for the play by Carl Hauptmann (1858–1921)
also Das goldene Tempelbuch
Chamber music 54 1913 Violoncellosonate [Nr. 2] a-Moll for cello and piano
Piano 55 1913 10 Esquisses for piano
Piano 56 1913 Moments lyriques for piano
Stage 57 1913 Die armseligen Besenbinder, Bühnenmusik for chamber ensemble Incidental Music for the play by Carl Hauptmann (1858–1921)
Piano 58 1913 2 kleine Walzer (leicht) for piano
Concertante 59 Mysterien, Tondichtung e-Moll for cello and orchestra published 1928; after the novel Mysteries by Knut Hamsun
Chamber music 60 1915 Klaviertrio Nr. 3 G-Dur for violin, cello and piano
Piano 61 1916 2 Walzer for piano
Piano 62 2 Suiten
I. Suite
II. Suite
for piano published 1929
Vocal 63 1914 Österreichisches Reiterlied for voice and piano
Chamber music 64 1915 8 Violinstücke for violin and piano
Piano 65 1915 4 Klavierstücke for piano
Choral 66 1915 Reiterlied for chorus and piano
Chamber music 67 1920 Streichquartett Nr. 3 d-Moll for 2 violins, viola and cello published 1921
Piano 68 1918 Aus alter Zeit, Suite for piano 4-hands published 1920
Chamber music 69 1920 Violinsonate Nr. 2 F-Dur for violin and piano
Chamber music 70 1919 Litaniae, Tondichtung cis-Moll for violin, cello and piano published 1920, 1929
premiere 31 May 1919
Vocal 1920 Jüdische Volkslieder for medium voice and piano 8 song settings from the collection by Juon; other settings by Wilhelm Grosz
Vocal 1920 Russische Volkslieder for medium voice and piano 12 song settings from the collection by Juon; other settings by Felix Petyrek and Wilhelm de Witt
Vocal 1920 Slavische (ukrainische) Volkslieder for medium voice and piano 4 song settings from a collection by Juon; other settings by Wilhelm Grosz, Hugo Kauder, Richard Kügele, Egon Lustgarten, Bernard Paumgartner and Felix Petyrek
Piano 71 1924 Jotunheimen, Tondichtung for 2 pianos subtitled Ein rauhes Nordisches Bergland, das "Heim der Frost- u. Reifriesen" (A Rugged Nordic Mountain Country, the "Home of the Frost Giants")
Chamber music 72 1922 5 Compositions for violin and piano
Chamber music 73 Arabesken, Kleines Trio for oboe, clarinet and bassoon published 1941; composed 1940?
4 movements
Piano 74 1921 Kinderträume, 15 Klavierstücke für die Jugend for piano also published 1927 in 2 books
Piano 75 1924 Die Unzertrennlichen (Les petits inséparables), 8 leichte Stücke for piano 4-hands
Piano 76 1923 Kakteen, 7 Klavierstücke for piano
Piano 77 1924 5 Klavier-Kompositionen (Klavierstücke) for piano
Chamber music 78 1923 Flötensonate F-Dur for flute and piano
Piano 79 1923 5 Tongedichte for piano
Piano 80 1930 In Futurum 2, 4 Klavierstücke for piano
Chamber music 81 1928 7 kleine Tondichtungen for 2 violins and piano
Chamber music 82 1923 Klarinettensonate f-Moll for clarinet and piano also for viola and piano
Chamber music 82a 1923 Bratschensonate Nr. 2 f-Moll for viola and piano composer's adaptation of the Clarinet Sonata
Chamber music 83 1930 Legende D-Dur for violin, cello and piano
Chamber music 84 1928 Bläserquintett for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon
Orchestral 85 1928 Serenade (für Schülerorchester) for string orchestra with piano ad libitum for student orchestra
Chamber music 86 1930 Violinsonate Nr. 3 h-Moll for violin and piano
Orchestral 87 1929 Kleine Sinfonie (für Schülerorchester) for string orchestra with piano ad libitum for student orchestra
Concertante 88 1931 Violinkonzert Nr. 3 a-Moll for violin and orchestra
Chamber music 89 1932 Suite C-Dur for violin, cello and piano in 5 movements
Piano 90 1933 4 Klavierstücke for piano
Piano 91 1933 6 leichte Klavierstücke für die Jugend for piano
Orchestral 92 1933 Divertimento (für Schülerorchester) for string orchestra and piano for student orchestra
Orchestral 93 1935 Suite in fünf Sätzen for orchestra
Orchestral 94 1938 Anmut und Würde, Suite for orchestra
Orchestral 95 1939 Rhapsodische Sinfonie for orchestra
Orchestral 96 1941 Tanz-Capricen for orchestra
Concertante 97 1940 Burletta for violin and orchestra
Orchestral 98 1939 Sinfonietta capricciosa for orchestra
Vocal 99 1941 3 Lieder for voice and piano
1. words by Stella Juon
2. words from Belfonte (1903) by Francesco Pastonchi
3. words by Stella Juon

[[Category:Lists of compositions by composer]] [[Category:Lists of piano compositions by composer]]