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Ernest Callenbach

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Ernest Callenbach nel 2008

Ernest William CAllenbach (Williamsport, 3 aprile 1929Berkeley, 16 aprile 2012) è stato un critico cinematografico, scrittore, filosofo ed ecologista statunitense. Sostenitore della semplicità volontaria,[1] divenne famoso per il suo romanzo di fantascienza utopistica Ecotopia (1975).

  • Living Poor With Style (New York: Bantam, 1972)
  • Ecotopia (Banyan Tree Books, 1975, edito nel 2012 da Castelvecchi Editore)
  • Ecotopia Emerging (Banyan Tree Books, 1981)
  • The Ecotopian Encyclopaedia for the 80's: A Survival Guide for the Age of Inflation (Berkeley: And/Or Press, 1981)
  • A Citizen Legislature (Bookpeople, 1985; rev. ed. Imprint Academic, 2008)
  • Publisher's Lunch (Ten Speed Press, 1989)
  • Ecology: A Pocket Guide (U. of California Press, 1998; rev. ed. 2008)
  • Living Cheaply With Style: Live Better and Spend Less (Berkeley: Ronin, 1993). ISBN 0-914171-61-5
  • Living Cheaply With Style: Live Better and Spend Less, Second edition (Berkeley: Ronin, 2000). ISBN 1-57951-014-0
  • Bring Back the Buffalo!: A Sustainable Future for America's Great Plains (U. of California Press, 2000)
  • Ernest Callenbach "Ecotopia in Japan?," in: Communities 132 (Fall 2006), pp. 42–49.
  • R. Frye, "The Economics of Ecotopia," in: Alternative Futures 3 (1980), pp. 71–81.
  • K.T. Goldbach, "Utopian Music: Music History of the Future in Novels by Bellamy, Callenbach and Huxley," in: Utopia Matters. Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts, ed. F. Viera, M. Freitas, Porto 2005, pp. 237–243.
  • R. Meinhold, "Ecotopia", in: Paul B. Thompson and David M. Kaplan (eds.) Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Food Ethics (2013), pp 548–551
  • U. Meyer: "Selling an 'ecological religion'. Strategies of Persuasion in Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopia". In: M. Lotz, M. van der Minde, D. Weidmann (Hrsg.): Von Platon bis zur Global Governance. Entwürfe für menschliches Zusammenleben. Marburg 2010, pp. 253–280.
  • H. Tschachler, "Despotic Reason in Arcadia. Ernest Callenbach's Ecological Utopias," Science Fiction Studies 11 (1984), pp. 304–317.
  1. ^ (EN) Elaine Woo, Ernest Callenbach obituary: Author of novel 'Ecotopia' dies at 83,, 25 aprile 2012. URL consultato il 31 agosto 2019.

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