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Battaglia di Fort Frontenac: differenze tra le versioni

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Battaglia di Fort Frontenac
parte della guerra franco-indiana
Raffigurazione della battaglia di John Henry Walker
Data26–28 agosto 1758
LuogoAttuale Kingston (Ontario)
EsitoVittoria britannica
2635 (2500 milizie e 135 regolari)110 uomini, donne e bambini[1]
11 feriti2 morti
Voci di guerre presenti su Wikipedia

La battaglia di Fort Frontenac si svolse il 26–28 agosto 1758 nel corso della guerra dei sette anni (chiamata guerra franco-indiana in America del Nord) tra Francia e Gran Bretagna. Il luogo in cui si svolse è Fort Frontenac, una fortificazione e trading post francese situata dove oggi sorge Kingston (Ontario), all'estremità orientale dove il lago Ontario si unisce al San Lorenzo.

Contesto storico

 Noyan was alerted to the expedition's advance when Indian scouts took some prisoners, and authorities in Montreal organized reinforcements.  However, these forces would not arrive before the British.[1]




many of the provisions were burned before the army returned to Oswego, using some of the captured French ships to help carry the loot.  Bradstreet released the French prisoners after Noyan promised to gain the release of an equal number of British prisoners, and the French began to make their way back to Montreal.[1]  They were met by the relief force from Montreal.  The French established Fort de La Présentation (at present-day Ogdensburg, New York) as a base for supply and defense.  Fort Frontenac was again lightly garrisoned in 1759, but was no longer a site of importance in the war, which ended with the fall of Montreal in September 1760.

New France's governor, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, took full responsibility for the French loss, as he had believed that the British "would not dare to enter [Lake Ontario] on which [the French] had vessels."[2] He did however force Noyan into retirement. Noyan returned to France, where he spent some time in the Bastille on charges that he misappropriated public funds, and was eventually fined six livres.[3] -->


  1. ^ a b c Preston, p. 79
  2. ^ Fowler, p. 155
  3. ^ Preston, p. 82


  • Tobias Smollet, A Complete History of England, London, Baynes and Son, 1822 (originally published 1765).
  • Richard Preston, Royal Fort Frontenac, in Publications of the Champlain Society, Ontario Series 2, The Champlain Society, 1958. URL consultato il 20 marzo 2011.
  • William M Fowler, Empires at war: The French and Indian War and the Struggle for North America 1754-1763, New York, Walker & Company, 2005, ISBN 0-8027-1411-0.
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