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ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION / Italian Sustainable Luxury

ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION [registered name of the Company: ARNIA - Società Cooperativa Sociale MADE IN ITALY) is a pioneering Italian non-profit organization in the luxury textile industry, dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable fabrics for the fashion system and emerging designers. Founded with the innovative idea of merging luxury with sustainability, ARNIA offers a unique approach to textile production, emphasizing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments.

The company in located in the North of Italy - not far from the Malpensa MXP airport - and has got the head office in Milan (Via Gabrio Serbelloni 1) and the Showroom in Busto Arsizio (Via Galileo Galilei 4F), where designers can preview in person the latest Contenmporary & Sustainable textile Collections.

Mission and Vision The mission of ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION is to create luxurious, eco-friendly textiles that support and elevate the work of fashion designers worldwide, particularly emerging talents. By operating as a non-profit, ARNIA reinvests its revenues into furthering its sustainable practices and supporting the creative community. This model ensures that financial gains are used to enhance sustainability efforts rather than generating profit.

Sustainability and ESG Commitments ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION is deeply committed to sustainability and ESG principles. The company prioritizes the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable production methods to minimize its environmental impact. ARNIA’s ESG commitments can be explored in detail on their Sustainability & ESG Commitment webpage, which outlines their dedication to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance integrity.

Key ESG Commitments

  • Environmental Stewardship: ARNIA focuses on reducing its carbon footprint, using sustainable materials, and promoting recycling and waste reduction in its production processes.
  • Social Responsibility: The organization supports fair labor practices, inclusivity, and community development. It aims to provide a supportive environment for workers and fosters the growth of emerging designers.
  • Governance Integrity: ARNIA ensures transparency, ethical practices, and compliance with industry standards, reinforcing its commitment to governance excellence.

Innovative Non-Profit Model ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION stands out in the luxury textile industry with its non-profit model. This approach allows the organization to focus on sustainability and support for designers without the pressure of generating profit. Instead, funds are redirected to improve sustainable practices, support innovation, and provide high-quality materials to fashion designers at competitive prices.

'Products and Services' ARNIA offers a diverse range of textiles, including: - Luxury Fabrics: High-end materials that combine quality with sustainability. - Custom Textiles: Tailored fabrics that meet the specific needs of designers. - Support for Emerging Designers: Providing affordable, sustainable fabrics to new talents in the fashion industry.

ESG Assessments ARNIA conducts rigorous ESG assessments to ensure its operations align with its sustainability goals. These assessments, detailed on their ESG Assessments page, evaluate the environmental impact, social practices, and governance standards of the company. By maintaining high ESG standards, ARNIA not only adheres to regulatory requirements but also sets a benchmark for the industry.

ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION is revolutionizing the luxury textile industry with its non-profit model, strong ESG commitments, and support for sustainable fashion. By providing high-quality, eco-friendly textiles, ARNIA is paving the way for a more responsible and inclusive fashion industry.

For more information, visit ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION's official website.


ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION - Sustainability & ESG Commitment