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PiattaformaMicrosoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android
Data di pubblicazione17 giugno 2016
GenereGioco di carte collezionabili
Modalità di giocoGiocatore singolo

Shadowverse è un gioco di carte collezionabili digitale gratuito sviluppato e pubblicato da Cygames. È stato rilasciato per sistemi iOS e Android nel giugno del 2016, e in luglio era già il gioco di carte collezionabili digitale più popolare in Giappone. Versioni per Mac e Windows sono state rilasciate nell'ottobre del 2016.

Shadowverse utilizza uno stile grafico improntato sugli anime, con alcune illustrazioni riutilizzate da un titolo precedente della stessa casa di sviluppo, Rage of Bahamut. Il gioco ha un gameplay simile a Hearthstone, ma gli sviluppatori hanno cercato di minimizzare l'impatto della casualità sull'esito delle partite. La maggiore differenza tra i due titoli risiede nella meccanica Evolve ("evoluzione") che consente ai giocatori di fornire bonus ed effetti alle carte giocate, al costo di un "punto evoluzione". Il gioco ha rilasciato il primo set di espansione, "Darkness Evolved", nel settembre del 2016. La seconda espansione, "Rise of Bahamut", è stata rilasciata nel dicembre del 2016, mentre la terza, "Tempest of the Gods", nel marzo del 2017.

At first glance Shadowverse plays very similarly to Hearthstone, with matches structured between two players taking turns playing cards from their deck. Each player is represented by a Leader with 20 defense and a starting hand of three cards. The player going first has two evolution points, and the player going second has three evolution points, can evolve one turn earlier, and draws an extra card at the player's first turn. The objective of the player is to reduce the other player's defense to 0 or attain a win via certain cards (e.g. Enstatued Seraph).

Each player utilizes the Play Point resource to play cards. Both players begin at having zero play point orbs, and gain one play point orb at the beginning of the respective player's turn, up to a limit of 10. Play Point orbs are refilled at the beginning of each player's turn.

In Shadowverse, cards are divided into three basic types:

  • Followers – a card that has an attack and defense value. Only Follower cards can be evolved. Once a follower's defense drops below 1, that follower is destroyed. Followers may attack leaders or other followers, in which case the attacked unit will have its defense reduced according to the attack of the follower. When attacking another follower, the attacking follower will have its defense reduced by the attack of the targeted follower. Followers cannot attack the same turn they are played, unless said follower has the Rush or Storm keyword.
  • Spells – a card that resolves immediately after it is played.
  • Amulets – a card that once played stays in the area, providing effects until it is removed. Amulets cannot be attacked by followers.

All three types of cards come in four rarities: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Legendary. A deck may only contain three or fewer copies of a card, regardless of rarity.

After turn 4 (turn 5 for the player going first), Follower cards can be evolved once per turn, granting them an additional 2 attack and defense (usually), Rush (the ability to attack other followers the turn the follower is played), as well as activating any Evolve effects the card may have. The use of Evolve is crucial to swinging the tide of the game.

Every card in the game belongs to a Craft. When picking or constructing a deck, a player may select one out of the seven available Crafts in the game. The player then may only use cards that belong to that Craft, and Neutral cards which every craft can incorporate into their decks. Each Craft has their characteristic cards and unique mechanics specific to that craft:

  • Forestcraft – a craft based around playing multiple cards in a turn. Forestcraft have a number of cards that gain additional effects when two or more additional cards have been played in a turn.
  • Swordcraft – a craft whose follower cards are divided into two tribes: Commanders and Officers. The strength of the craft lies in the synergy between those two tribes.
  • Runecraft – a craft with the special keyword Spellboost. When in hand, cards with Spellboost gain additional power or reduced cost for every other spell casted by the player.
  • Dragoncraft – a craft with the special keyword Overflow. Cards with Overflow gain additional effects when a player is in possession of 7 or more play point orbs. Dragoncraft is also the only craft with access to cards that grant additional play point orbs.
  • Shadowcraft – a craft with the special keyword Necromancy. Cards with Necromancy gain additional effects by consuming shadows, a resource generated whenever a follower or amulet is destroyed, a spell is used, or through other shadow-generating effects.
  • Bloodcraft – a craft with the special keyword Vengeance. Cards with Vengeance gain additional effects when the player's leader has 10 or less defense.
  • Havencraft – a craft which specializes in Countdown amulets. Countdown amulets destroy themselves after a specified number of turns, granting powerful effects.

According to Super Data in its 2017 report, Shadowverse has earned $100M in revenue despite having launched halfway through 2016, making it the standout new title for the year.

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