Utente:Fatt-1/Rosemarie Elizabeth Aquilina

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Rosemarie Elizabeth Aquilina (25 aprile 1958) è una giudice statunitense di ascendenza tedesca; attualmente è una giudice del 30° circuito della contea di Ingham (Michigan, USA) ed è stata la 55esima giudice della corte distrettuale.[1] È la giudice nota per aver condannato Larry Nassar per abusi sessuali su ginnaste, scandalo avvenuto negli Stati Uniti[2].

Aquilina è nata a Monaco di Baviera, il padre è un urologo originario di Malta e la madre è tedesca. Si è trasferita negli Stati Uniti con la famiglia nel 1959, ed ha acquisito la cittadinanza statunitense all'età di 12 anni.[3] Ha conseguito la Bachelor of Arts con specializzazioni in Inglese e Giornalismo presso l'Università statale del Michigan nel 1979, e nel 1984 ha conseguito il dottorato in giurisprudenza (Juris Doctor) presso la Western Michigan University Cooley Law School, nel Michigan nel 1984.[1]

Following law school, Aquilina worked for 10 years as administrative assistant and campaign manager for state senator John F. Kelly, and then as a partner in his lobbying firm, Strategic Governmental Consultants, PLLC.[1] During this time, she also formed Aquilina Law Firm, PLC, practicing for several years with her sister, Helen Hartford.[4] She later became the host of Ask the Family Lawyer, a syndicated radio talk show.[1][5][6]

Aquilina then joined the Michigan Army National Guard, where she became the state's first female member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps and acquired the nickname "Barracuda Aquilina" due to her dedication to service and advocating on behalf of the soldiers she worked with.[1][6] She served in the Michigan Army National Guard for twenty years before retiring.[7]

Aquilina is currently an adjunct professor at Western Michigan University Cooley Law School where she teaches a variety of courses.[1] She was awarded by Cooley Law School with the Griffen Award for Teaching Excellence.[1] Aquilina also serves as an adjunct professor at Michigan State University College of Law, where she teaches classes in criminal and civil trial practice, trial practicum, criminal law, and criminal procedure in both the LL.M. and J.D. programs.[1] She was honored with the College of Law Student Bar Association Adjunct Faculty Award for exceptional teaching.[1] In the 1990s, Aquilina ran for Michigan Senate as Laura Baird contested a seat on the Michigan House of Representatives, though Aquilina did not win.[8] In 2004, she was elected a judge of the 55th Michigan District Court, and in November 2008, she was elected as judge of the 30th Circuit Court for Ingham County.[4][1] In July 2013, Aquilina ruled that the city of Detroit's bankruptcy filing violated the state constitution, and sent an advisory memorandum to president Barack Obama.[4][9] This ruling was stayed less than a week later by the Michigan Court of Appeals,[10][11] and one day later the federal bankruptcy court issued a stay of all state court proceedings on the Detroit bankruptcy, ordering that all other legal challenges to the city's bankruptcy petition be litigated in federal bankruptcy court.[12] In December 2013, bankruptcy judge Steven W. Rhodes issued an opinion rejecting all the federal and state constitutional challenges to Detroit's bankruptcy and allowing the city to go through the Chapter 9 bankruptcy process.[13]

In 2018, Aquilina presided over the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal case.[14] She allowed over 150 women and girls involved with the US Olympics gymnastics team doctor, Larry Nassar, to present personal testimony on their sexual abuse.[14] Aquilina sentenced Nassar to 40–175 years in prison for sexual abuse of juveniles and young women over the past two decades.[6][14] An appeals court found some of her remarks during the trial "wholly inappropriate" and "challenges basic notions of judicial neutrality [and] due process". However, in a 2–1 decision, the court did not find a new trial was warranted; a dissenting judge said that it was not the role of judges to "act as an advocate".[15][16][17] She attended the 2018 ESPY Awards, where she was honored for her efforts in sentencing Nassar.

Aquilina is also an author and has published two novels: Feel No Evil (2003) and Triple Cross Killer (2017).[18]

On May 11, 2018, she was chosen by the graduates to deliver an address at the commencement ceremony of the Michigan State University College of Law, where she is a professor.

Personal life

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Rose Aquilina has five children.[19] Aquilina also has two grandchildren.[20] She currently resides with three of her children, her father, and her mother in East Lansing, Michigan.[20][1] Rose Aquilina has 3 siblings. Dr. Joe Aquilina, Helen Hartford, and Dr. Thomas C. Aquilina.

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Honorable Rosemarie E. Aquilina, su cc.ingham.org, Ingham County, Michigan. URL consultato il January 24, 2018.
  2. ^ Global News, Former U.S. Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar full sentencing hearing, January 24, 2018. URL consultato il March 19, 2018.
  3. ^ Judy Putnam, Ingham judge has creative life off the bench with new crime thriller, January 12, 2018.
  4. ^ (EN) www.fieryseaspublishing.com, su fieryseaspublishing.com.
  5. ^ a b c Larry Nassar case: Who is Judge Rosemarie Aquilina?, BBC News, January 24, 2018.
  6. ^ Scott Cacciola, Victims in Larry Nassar Abuse Case Find a Fierce Advocate: The Judge, January 23, 2018.
  7. ^ Meet the judge who proudly signed Nassar's 'death warrant', January 25, 2018.
  8. ^ Brian Smith, Michigan attorney general appeals Ingham County judge ruling aimed at halting Detroit bankruptcy, July 19, 2013.
  9. ^ Bill Vlasic, Federal Judge Halts Legal Challenges in Detroit Bankruptcy Case, (July 23, 2013).
  10. ^ Chris Isidore, Michigan court clears way for Detroit bankruptcy to proceed, CNN Money (July 23, 2013).
  11. ^ Jack M. Beermann, Resolving the Public Pension "Crisis", 41 Fordham Urban Law Journal 999, 1007 (March 2016).
  12. ^ Sasha Volokh, Constitutional challenges to the Detroit bankruptcy, Washington Post (April 2, 2013).
  13. ^ a b c Eric Levenson, Larry Nassar sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for decades of sexual abuse, in CNN, January 24, 2018.
  14. ^ (EN) Abuser Larry Nassar will keep sentence despite judge's alleged bias, in The Independent, 23 dicembre 2020.
  15. ^ Michigan court calls judge's remarks in Nassar's sentencing inappropriate but won't resentence him, su fox2detroit.com, 23 dicembre 2020.
  16. ^ (EN) Court: Nassar won't be resentenced despite judge's remarks, su post-gazette.com.
  17. ^ Rosemarie Aquilina: List of Books by Author Rosemarie Aquilina, su paperbackswap.com.
  18. ^ (EN) Putnam: Ingham judge has creative life off the bench with new crime thriller, in Lansing State Journal.
  19. ^ a b (EN) Putnam: Ingham judge has creative life off the bench with new crime thriller, in Lansing State Journal.