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alcohol dehydrogenase
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Numero EC1.1.1.1
Nome sistematico
alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase
Altri nomi
aldehyde reductase; ADH; alcohol dehydrogenase (NAD); aliphatic alcohol dehydrogenase; ethanol dehydrogenase; NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase; NAD-specific aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase; NADH-alcohol dehydrogenase; NADH-aldehyde dehydrogenase; primary alcohol dehydrogenase; yeast alcohol dehydrogenase
Fonte: IUBMB

La alcohol dehydrogenase è un enzima appartenente alla classe delle ossidoreduttasi, che catalizza la seguente reazione.

an alcohol + NAD+ = an aldehyde or ketone + NADH + H+

A zinc protein. Acts on primary or secondary alcohols or hemi-acetals; the animal, but not the yeast, enzyme acts also on cyclic secondary alcohols.

Bibliografia[modifica wikitesto]

  • (EN) Brändén, G.-I., Jörnvall, H., Eklund, H. e Furugren, B. Alcohol dehydrogenase. In: Boyer, P.D. (Ed.), The Enzymes, 3rd edn, vol. 11, Academic Press, New York, 1975, pp. 103–190.
  • (EN) Jörnvall, H. Differences between alcohol dehydrogenases. Structural properties and evolutionary aspects. Eur. J. Biochem. 72 (1977) 443–452. Entrez PubMed 320001
  • (EN) Negelein, E. e Wulff, H.-J. Diphosphopyridinproteid ackohol, acetaldehyd. Biochem. Z. 293 (1937) 351–389.
  • (EN) Sund, H. e Theorell, H. Alcohol dehydrogenase. In: Boyer, P.D., Lardy, H. e Myrbäck, K. (Eds), The Enzymes, 2nd edn, vol. 7, Academic Press, New York, 1963, pp. 25–83.
  • (EN) Theorell, H. Kinetics and equilibria in the liver alcohol dehydrogenase system. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Subj. Biochem. 20 (1958) 31–49. Entrez PubMed 13605979