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On a Wing and a Prayer

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On a Wing and a Prayer
album in studio
ArtistaGerry Rafferty
Pubblicazionedicembre 1992
GenerePop rock
EtichettaAvalanche Records
ProduttoreHugh Murphy, Gerry Rafferty
Registrazione1991 - 1992
Gerry Rafferty - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

On a Wing and a Prayer è il settimo album in studio del cantautore scozzese Gerry Rafferty, pubblicato nel dicembre 1992.

  1. Time's Caught Up on You
  2. I See Red
  3. It's Easy to Talk
  4. I Could Be Wrong
  5. Don't Speak of My Heart
  6. Get Out of My Life Woman
  7. Don't Give Up on Me
  8. Hang On
  9. Love and Affection
  10. Does He Know What He's Taken On
  11. The Light of Love
  12. Life Goes On

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