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Museum of Farming and Sheep-Farming's History
Museo di Storia dell'Agricoltura e della Pastorizia
La trebbiatura • 1927
StatoBandiera dell'Italia Italia
LocalitàMorano Calabro
FondatoriFrancesco Mainieri
ProprietàComune di Morano Calabro
Sito web

The Museo di Storia dell'Agricoltura e della Pastorizia (in English: Museum of Farming and Sheep-Farming's History) based in Morano Calabro (Cosenza) is a museum of material culture (objects) which has been conceived and made by Francesco Mainieri (1930-2015), history and philosophy teacher at Liceo Classico di Castrovillari (Castrovillari’s Classical High School) in cooperation with some young students from Morano. In the beginning, it was prepared in some rooms of the village’s elementary school, but in 2003 it was transferred to a part of Salmena Palace, owned by the town council.

La piantagione del granone • 1896 • Ph P. Arcidiacono

The making of the Museum was preceded by the setting up of two historical exhibitions, also taken care of by Francesco Mainieri: Un paese e la sua storia. Morano dal Settecento agli inizi del Novecento (A village and its history. Morano from the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, 1977) and Contadini e pastori a Morano tra passato e presente (Farmers and shepherds in Morano between past and present, 1981).

The first exhibition was meant to reconstruct how Morano had experienced some events of modern history: the awakening of the eighteenth century, the riot against feudalism in the Napoleonic era, the Risorgimento (Italian unification) events, the post-unitary crisis, emigration, the birth of socialism, etc. It was a historical exhibition, which analysed facts and episodes about the ruling class.

Thanks to the second one began to be analysed the material culture regarding the two main areas of the past local economy: agriculture and sheep farming. Also, in the Moranese community, the past removing process (which characterized the second post-war period) changed profoundly one's life: the working classes, above all, became aware that they could free themselves from their state of poverty and subjugation.

Starting from the second exhibition came to mind the idea of making it permanent, at first, and, later, transforming it into the Museum of Farming and Sheep-Farming's History.

La struttura del Museo

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La donazione del Museo al Comune di Morano Calabro

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Il progetto MuSAP

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L'associazione Lo studio di Francesco

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