Discussioni utente:Shaqspeare

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Ciao Shaqspeare, benvenuta/o su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera!

Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da tutti i wikipediani, εΔω 10:47, ott 2, 2005 (CEST)

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Foreigner? Not in the Global village, nor in the Italian Wikipedia

[modifica wikitesto]

Dear Shaqspeare,

There's no problem if you can't write in Italian language, you'll surely find someone willing to help tou through this project. It'd be a welcome help if you put a "Babelbox", a table listing the languages you can use and your difficulty in writing/reading/both the Italian language. Just follow this link: Wikipedia:Babel/It-0#English and afterwards Wikipedia:Babel. If you really don't grasp a single word in Italian language, reply to my talk page, and I'll guide you. - εΔω 11:03, ott 2, 2005 (CEST)

We're looking for these photos. Please watch the bar, when we find the images we'll signal to you. --Nick1915 - all you want 12:18, nov 7, 2005 (CET) Ps by the way, it's popolo with one p.

Don't worry! It would be a little specification! Btw the real problem in it.wiki it's that it has a poor architecture section and if you look in this article in Storia (History), Architettura del Novecento's link is red (20th century Italian architecture). I will continue to looking for and after I will make you to know. --Nick1915 - all you want 12:38, nov 7, 2005 (CET)

Turin modern architecture

[modifica wikitesto]

Hi! I agree that actually it.wiki has very few photos of contemporary architecture. I study in en:Turin and on next february we will have here the Olimpic Winter Games, so we have some new and fantastic buildings from the best world architects. The city has also many very nice liberty palaces and some interesting "fascist" (years 1920-1930) buildings...

I promise that I'll ask to my brother his great digital camera and take some nice photo in the next weeks (I only took photos of Reggia di Venaria Reale, but it is of XVIII century).

Bye! --Fede (msg) 16:16, nov 7, 2005 (CET)

Hi, I left a massage for you at the chat on Italian architecture you started here Bye. Laurom 13:26, 9 novembre 2005 (CET)