Discussione:T-14 Armata

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The gun can destroy any armored vehicles.[1] Shells for guns 2A82-1M can penetrate the armor a thickness of 1000 mm at a distance of 1,000 meters.[2][3] Tank will have new guided missiles[4]

The main armament, the new 2A82-1M 125 mm smoothbore cannon,[3][7] differs from the 2A46 of previous Russian and Soviet tanks. Firing rate combat and technical 10-12 per minute. The range of defeat 8 km. Detection range of 5 km (night 3.5 km). Multiplicity of sight 4 and 12.[8] The gun can destroy any armored vehicles.[9] Shells for guns 2A82-1M can penetrate the armor a thickness of 1000 mm at a distance of 1,000 meters.[10][11] Tank will have new guided missiles[12] The secondary armament consists of a 12.7 mm Kord (GRAU index 6P49) machine gun with 300 rounds and a 7.62 mm PKTM (6P7К) machine gun with 1000 rounds.[13][1][14] Fully remote control.[15] Is possible, instead of 125 mm gun 2A82 apply for the T-14 152 mm gun 2A83.[16]

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