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Nuova pagina: {{t|||}}I '''nanosensori''' sono qualsiasi sensore utilizzato per portare informazioni dal mondo nanometrico al mondo macroscopico. Sebbene l'uomo non sia ancora ca...
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{{t|inglese|fisica|maggio 2008}}
{{t|||}}I '''nanosensori''' sono qualsiasi sensore utilizzato per portare informazioni dal mondo nanometrico al mondo macroscopico. Sebbene l'uomo non sia ancora capace di sintetizzare i nanosensori,le predizioni sul looro uso includono vari prodotti medici, chips per computer che lavorino a dimensioni nanometriche e nanorobot. Allo stato attuale esistono parecchi modi per produrre nanosensori, ovvero la top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly, and molecular self-assembly<ref>{{cite journal |author= Foster LE. |title= Medical Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity |journal=[ Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education ISBN 0131927566]. |year=2006}}</ref>.

I '''nanosensori''' sono qualsiasi sensore utilizzato per portare informazioni dal mondo nanometrico al mondo macroscopico. Sebbene l'uomo non sia ancora capace di sintetizzare i nanosensori, le predizioni sul loro uso includono vari prodotti medici, chip per computer che lavorino a dimensioni nanometriche e nanorobot. Allo stato attuale esistono parecchi modi per produrre nanosensori, ovvero la top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly, and molecular self-assembly<ref>{{cite journal |author= Foster LE. |title= Medical Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity |journal=[ Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education ISBN 0131927566]. |year=2006}}</ref>.

==Applicazioni previste==
==Applicazioni previste==
Gli usi medicinale dei nanosensori ruotano principalmente intorno al potenziale dei nanosensors di identificare accuratamente particolari cellule o posti nel corpo in stato di necessità. Attraverso la misurazione di modifiche di volume, concentrazione, spostamento e velocità e forze gravitazionali, elettriche e magnetiche e pressione o temperatura delle cellule nel corpo, i nanosensori potrebbero essere in grado di distinguere e riconoscere diversi tipi di cellule, in particolare quelle tumorali
Gli usi medicinale dei nanosensori ruotano principalmente intorno al potenziale dei nanosensors di identificare accuratamente particolari cellule o posti nel corpo in stato di necessità. Attraverso la misurazione di modifiche di volume, concentrazione, spostamento e velocità e forze gravitazionali, elettriche e magnetiche e pressione o temperatura delle cellule nel corpo, i nanosensori potrebbero essere in grado di distinguere e riconoscere diversi tipi di cellule, in particolare quelle tumorali.

[[Image:Nanosensor.JPG|thumb|Una sonda-nanosensore che emette un raggio laser blu per individuare in una cellula la presenza di un prodotto che indica l'esposizione della cellula a sostanze cancerogene.]]

'''Nanosensors''' are any biological, chemical, or sugery sensory points used to convey information about [[nanoparticles]] to the [[macroscopic]] world. Though humans have not yet been able to synthesize nanosensors, predictions for their use mainly include various medicinal purposes and as gateways to building other nanoproducts, such as computer chips that work at the nanoscale and [[nanorobot]]s. Presently, there are several ways proposed to make nanosensors, including [[Top-down and bottom-up design#Nanotechnology|top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly]], and [[molecular self-assembly]]<ref>{{cite journal |author= Foster LE. |title= Medical Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity |journal=[ Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education ISBN 0131927566]. |year=2006}}</ref>.
==Predicted applications==
Medicinal uses of nanosensors mainly revolve around the potential of nanosensors to accurately identify particular cells or places in the body in need. By measuring changes in [[volume]], [[concentration]], [[displacement (vector)|displacement]] and [[velocity]], [[gravitational force|gravitational]], [[electric field|electrical]], and [[magnetic field|magnetic]] forces, [[pressure]], or [[temperature]] of cells in a body, nanosensors may be able to distinguish between and recognize certain cells, most notably those of cancer, at the molecular level in order to deliver medicine or monitor development to specific places in the body<ref>{{cite journal |author= Freitas Jr RA. |title= Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities |journal=[ Austin: Landes Bioscience ISBN 1570596808].|year=1999}}</ref>. In addition, they may be able to detect macroscopic variations from outside the body and communicate these changes to other nanoproducts working within the body.

Deleted image removed: [[Image:Fluorescence_in_various_sized_CdSe_quantum_dots.png|thumb|right|395px|[[Fluorescence]] induced by exposure to [[ultraviolet]] light in vials containing various sized [[Cadmium selenide]] (CdSe) quantum dots.]]

One example of nanosensors involves using the fluorescence properties of [[cadmium selenide]] [[quantum dots]] as sensors to uncover tumors within the body. By injecting a body with these quantum dots, a doctor could see where a tumor or cancer cell was by finding the injected quantum dots, an easy process because of their fluorescence. Developed nanosensor quantum dots would be specifically constructed to find only the particular cell for which the body was at risk. A downside to the cadmium selenide dots, however, is that they are highly toxic to the body. As a result, researchers are working on developing alternate dots made out of a different, less toxic material while still retaining some of the fluorescence properties. In particular, they have been investigating the particular benefits of zinc sulfide quantum dots which, though they are not quite as fluorescent as cadmium selenide, can be augmented with other metals including manganese and various lanthanide elements. In addition, these newer quantum dots become more fluorescent when they bond to their target cells. (Quantum) Potential predicted functions may also include sensors used to detect specific [[DNA]] in order to recognize explicit genetic defects, especially for individuals at high-risk and implanted sensors that can automatically detect glucose levels for diabetic subjects more simply than current detectors<ref>{{cite journal |author= Ratner MA, Ratner D, Ratner M. |title= Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea|journal=[ Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall ISBN 0131014005].|year=2003}}</ref>. DNA can also serve as sacrificial layer for manufacturing [[CMOS]] IC, integrating a nanodevice with sensing capabilities<ref>{{cite journal |author=Cavalcanti A, Shirinzadeh B, Freitas RA Jr., Kretly LC. |title= Medical Nanorobot Architecture Based on Nanobioelectronics |journal=[ Recent Patents on Nanotechnology]. |volume=1 |issue=1 |pages=1-10 |year=2007}}</ref>. Therefore, using proteomic patterns and new hybrid materials, nanobiosensors can also be used to enable components configured into a hybrid semiconductor substrate as part of the circuit assembly. The development and miniaturization of nanobiosensors should provide interesting new opportunities<ref>{{cite journal |author= Vaughn JR. |title= Over the Horizon: Potential Impact of Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology on Disability Policy and Practice |journal=[ National Council on Disability], Washington DC. |pages=1-55 |month=12 |year=2006}}</ref>.

Other projected products most commonly involve using nanosensors to build smaller [[integrated circuits]], as well as incorporating them into various other commodities made using other forms of nanotechnology for use in a variety of situations including [[transportation]], [[communication]], improvements in structural integrity, and [[robotics]] [[ 1]]. Nanosensors may also eventually be valuable as more accurate monitors of material states for use in systems where size and weight are constrained, such as in satellites and other [[aeronautic]] machines.

==Existing nanosensors==
Currently, the most common mass-produced functioning nanosensors exist in the biological world as natural receptors of outside stimulation. For instance, [[olfaction|sense of smell]], especially in animals in which it is particularly strong, such as dogs, functions using receptors that sense nanosized [[molecules]]. Certain plants, too, use nanosensors to detect sunlight; various fish use nanosensors to detect minuscule vibrations in the surrounding water; and many insects detect sex pheromones using nanosensors [[ 3]].

Certain [[electromagnetic]] sensors have also been in use in photoelectric systems. These work because the specific sensors called, aptly, [[photodetector|photosensors]] are easily influenced by light of various wavelengths. The electromagnetic source transfers energy to the photosensors and energizes them into an excited state which causes them to release an electron into a [[semiconductor]]. At that point, it is relatively easy to detect the electricity coming from the sensors, and thus easy to know if the sensors are receiving light. Though more advanced uses of photosensors incorporating other forms of nanotechnology have yet to be implemented into consumer society, most film cameras have used photosensors at the nano size for years. [[photographic film|Traditional film]] uses a layer of silver ions that become excited by [[solar energy]] and clump into groups, as small as four atoms apiece in some cases, that scatter light and appear dark on the frame. Various other types of film can be made using a similar process to detect other specific wavelengths of light, including x-rays, infrared, and ultraviolet [[ 3]].

[[Image:Types of Carbon Nanotubes.png|thumb|250px|3D model of three types of single-walled carbon nanotubes, like those used to make certain nanosensors.]]

One of the first working examples of a synthetic nanosensor was built by researchers at the [[Georgia Institute of Technology]] in 1999<ref>{{cite journal |author= Poncharal P, Wang ZL, Ugarte D, de Heer WA.|title= Electrostatic Deflections and Electromechanical Resonances of Carbon Nanotubes |journal=[ Science]. |volume=283|pages=1513-1516|year=1999}}</ref>. It involved attaching a single particle onto the end of a [[carbon nanotube]] and measuring the [[resonance|vibrational frequency]] of the nanotube both with and without the particle. The discrepancy between the two frequencies allowed the researchers to measure the mass of the attached particle [[ 1]].

Chemical sensors, too, have been built using nanotubes to detect various properties of gaseous molecules. Carbon nanotubes have been used to sense [[ionization]] of gaseous molecules while nanotubes made out of titanium have been employed to detect atmospheric concentrations of hydrogen at the molecular level<ref>{{cite journal |author=Modi A, Koratkar N, Lass E, Wei B, Ajayan PM.|title= Miniaturized Gas Ionization Sensors using Carbon Nanotubes|journal=[ Nature]. |volume=424|pages=171-174|year=2003}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author= Kong J, Franklin NR, Zhou C, Chapline MG, Peng S, Cho K, Dai H.|title= Nanotubes Molecular Wires as Chemical Sensors |journal=[ Science]. |volume=287 |issue=5453 |pages=622-625|year=2000}}</ref>. Many of these involve a system by which nanosensors are built to have a specific pocket for another molecule. When that particular molecule, and only that specific molecule, fits into the nanosensor, and light is shone upon the nanosensor, it will reflect different wavelengths of light and, thus, be a different color [[ 3]].

==Production methods==
There are currently several hypothesized ways to produce nanosensors. Top-down lithography is the manner in which most integrated circuits are now made. It involves starting out with a larger block of some material and carving out the desired form. These carved out devices, notably put to use in specific [[MEMS sensor generations|microelectromechanical systems]] used as microsensors, generally only reach the [[micro]] size, but the most recent of these have begun to incorporate nanosized components [[ 1]].

Another way to produce nanosensors is through the bottom-up method, which involves assembling the sensors out of even more minuscule components, most likely individual [[atoms]] or molecules. This would involve moving atoms of a particular substance one by one into particular positions which, though it has been achieved in laboratory tests using tools such as [[atomic force microscope]]s, is still a significant difficulty, especially to do en masse, both for logistic reasons as well as economic ones. Most likely, this process would be used mainly for building starter molecules for self-assembling sensors.[[Image:DNA nanostructures.png|thumb|right|300px|(A) An example of a DNA molecule used as a starter for larger self-assembly. (B) An atomic force microscope image of a self-assembled DNA nanogrid. Individual DNA tiles self-assemble into a highly ordered periodic two-dimensional DNA nanogrid.]]

The third way, which promises far faster results, involves self-assembly, or “growing” particular nanostructures to be used as sensors. This most often entails one of two types of assembly. The first involves using a piece of some previously created or naturally formed nanostructure and immersing it in free atoms of its own kind. After a given period, the structure, having an irregular surface that would make it prone to attracting more molecules as a continuation of its current pattern, would capture some of the free atoms and continue to form more of itself to make larger components of nanosensors.

The second type of self-assembly starts with an already complete set of components that would automatically assemble themselves into a finished product. Though this has been so far successful only in assembling computer chips at the micro size, researchers hope to eventually be able to do it at the nanometer size for multiple products, including nanosensors. Accurately being able to reproduce this effect for a desired sensor in a laboratory would imply that scientists could manufacture nanosensors much more quickly and potentially far more cheaply by letting numerous molecules assemble themselves with little or no outside influence, rather than having to manually assemble each sensor.

==Economic impact==
Though nanosensor technology is a relatively new field, global projections for sales of products incorporating nanosensors range from $0.6 billion to $2.7 billion in the next three to four years. They will likely be included in most modern circuitry used in advanced computing systems, since their potential to provide the link between other forms of [[nanotechnology]] and the macroscopic world allows developers to fully exploit the potential of nanotechnology to miniaturize computer chips while vastly expanding their storage potential.

First, however, nanosensor developers must overcome the present high costs of production in order to become worthwhile for implementation in consumer products. Additionally, nanosensor reliability is not yet suitable for widespread use, and, because of their scarcity, nanosensors have yet to be marketed and implemented outside of research facilities [[ 1]]. Consequently, nanosensors have yet to be made compatible with most consumer technologies for which they have been projected to eventually enhance.

==Vedi anche==

==Collegamenti esterni==
*{{en}}[ Nanosensor Probes Single Living Cells], OakRidge National Laboratory
*{{en}}[ Quantum Dot Sensors], Western Michigan University
*{{en}}[ Weighing the Very Small: ‘Nanobalance’ Based on Carbon Nanotubes Shows New Application for Nanomechanics], Georgia Tech Research News.
*{{en}}[ Nanosensors News], International Frequency Sensor Association

[[Categoria: Nanotecnologia]]


Versione delle 02:46, 7 mag 2008

I nanosensori sono qualsiasi sensore utilizzato per portare informazioni dal mondo nanometrico al mondo macroscopico. Sebbene l'uomo non sia ancora capace di sintetizzare i nanosensori, le predizioni sul loro uso includono vari prodotti medici, chip per computer che lavorino a dimensioni nanometriche e nanorobot. Allo stato attuale esistono parecchi modi per produrre nanosensori, ovvero la top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly, and molecular self-assembly[1].

Applicazioni previste

Gli usi medicinale dei nanosensori ruotano principalmente intorno al potenziale dei nanosensors di identificare accuratamente particolari cellule o posti nel corpo in stato di necessità. Attraverso la misurazione di modifiche di volume, concentrazione, spostamento e velocità e forze gravitazionali, elettriche e magnetiche e pressione o temperatura delle cellule nel corpo, i nanosensori potrebbero essere in grado di distinguere e riconoscere diversi tipi di cellule, in particolare quelle tumorali.

Una sonda-nanosensore che emette un raggio laser blu per individuare in una cellula la presenza di un prodotto che indica l'esposizione della cellula a sostanze cancerogene.

Vedi anche

Collegamenti esterni

  1. ^ Foster LE., Medical Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, in Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education ISBN 0131927566., 2006.