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La tabella sottostante indica in ordine gli scrittori pluripremiati del Premio Locus per il miglior romanzo di fantascienza.

Premio Locus per il miglior romanzo di fantascienza
Vincitore Vittorie Anno Titolo Anno Titolo Anno Titolo
Neal Stephenson 5 1996 L'era del diamante 1 2016 0
2000 Cryptonomicon 4 1990 2 Seveneves
2005 The System of the World 1 2006 2
2009 Anathem

Leggenda di Colonia (da integrare in Il bacillo rubato e altri casi )

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Away back in the long ago there was an archbishop in Cologne who became disatissfield whit his church. He wanted a bigger and finer one; he burned with a desire to erect a cathedral which would eclipse in grandeur anything in Europe.
So he sent for the most famous architet of the time and ordered him to draw up planes for a mighty cathedral. The architet was a clever man, but also very vain, and he made up his mind that he would put a tablet on the cathedral with his name on, so that all the world should know that he was the architet.
But when he began to sketch out the designs, his mind seemes to be a blank.
He couldn't think of anything original, of or anything worthy of the great subject.
He drew and drew, but nothing came of it. At last in a fit of dispair, he tore up all his designs and wandered down to the river in a suicidal frame of mind.
Seating himself on a stone, he becan to sketch in the sand with his cane.
After he had been working for a while he became aware that another man was also sketching on the sand, sketching a cathedral, too.
The stranger's design was marvellously beautiful, and the architect watched him in wonder has he deftly and quickly traced out the details of a cathedral of surpassing beauty.
But all the lines faded away as soon as they were made, and the architect could not remember any of them.
At last he broke the silence and spoke to the stranger Your design is wonderful, he said. It is what I have a dreamed of-what I have sought for, and wished for, and have not been able to find. Give it to me on parchment and I will give you eight gold pieces.
The stranger laughed and pulled out a well-filled purse. I need not your money he said.
But the architect was so eager for the plan that he was desperate, and pulling out his dagger attacked the stranger, but was overpowered and thrown to the ground on the very brink of the river
Gold and steel have not power over me, said the man. You want my plan because you think it will bring you riches and fame; and you may have it, but first you must sign this parchment with your blood.

  • Pont du Diable (Céret)

Note da aggiungere

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  • Ancient Experiments in Co-Operation (1892) [1][2][3]
  • Honours Physiography (1893) – with R. A. Gregory OCLC 771912111
  • Intelligence on Mars ( 4 aprile 1896 sul Saturday Review) [4] inerente alle luci sul pianeta Marte pubblicate dalla rivista Nature nel 1894[5][6].
  1. ^ (EN) Evolution and Ethics - Ancient Experiment in Co-Operation, in H. G. Wells: Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction, University of California Press, 1975 [1975], pp. 187 - 193, ISBN 9780520026797. URL consultato il 1º aprile 2017.
  2. ^ (EN) Steven McLean, Introduction, in The Early Fiction of H.G. Wells: Fantasies of Science, Palgrave Macmillan, 15 maggio 2009 [2009], pp. 1 - 8, ISBN 9780230535626. URL consultato il 1º aprile 2017.
  3. ^ (EN) 2003 Partington John S., Notes, in Building Cosmopolis: The Political Thought of H.G. Wells, Ashgate. URL consultato il 1º aprile 2017.
  4. ^ (EN) The world of David Darling - Encyclopedia of Science, su daviddarling.info. URL consultato il 2 aprile 2017.
  5. ^ (EN) A Strange Light on Mars (PDF), in Nature, n. 50, Crinan Street, 4 Londra, Nature Publishing Group, 2 agosto 1894, p. 319, DOI:10.1038/050319c0, ISSN 0028-0836 (WC · ACNP). URL consultato il 2 aprile 2017.
  6. ^ (EN) Morphosis - Strange Lights on Mars, 1894, su amechanicalart.blogspot.it. URL consultato il 2 aprile 2017.