Utente:Proverbi degli Alberi/Ferrovia orientale cinese

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The routing of the main line of the Chinese Eastern Railway (Manzhouli to Harbin to Suifenhe), and its southern branch (Harbin to Dalian). After 1905, most of the southern branch (from Changchun to Dalian) became the Japan-run South Manchuria Railway

La Ferrovia cinese orientale(Chinesetrad. 東清鐵路, simp. 东清铁路, Dōngqīng Tiělù; in russo: Китайско-Восточная железная дорога? or КВЖД, Kitaysko-Vostochnaya Zheleznaya Doroga or KVZhD), conosciuta anche come Ferrovia della Manciuria settentrionale, is the historical name for a railway across Manchuria (northeastern China).

[[Categoria:Società ferroviarie cinesi]] [[Categoria:Linee ferroviarie in Cina]]