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Hello, i'm a physics teacher with a great passion for science and art.

Since i was a child, I have been developing a strong interest for science, but also for music, cinema, comics and... .videogames!

I started to play games like Pong, Space Invaders and Pac Man and i have not stopped yet!

My involvement in games has evolved along with my sensibility and culture.

Today as an adult i'm looking for games expressing deep content, just like great movies do.

One day i had a vision: videogames could be a form of contemporary art, the tenth art!

So i founded a group on Steam and Facebook, Video Games & Art, to promote videogames as an art form.

I invite you to join my group and to read my theories about the relationship between videogames and art.

The original project is in italian language, but now i'm going international!

I'm here on Wikipedia to strenghten my cultural mission.