Utente:Franco Taviani/Sandbox

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Theatre and Cinema Director, whriter, producer, lecturer.

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Franco Taviani (Firenze 20/11/1941) a.k.a. Franco Brogi Taviani, began his artistic and professional career as an assistant director and editor with his brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani. In the mid-60s he entered the theatre, working first as a director and then setting up his own drama company, with which he toured Italy for a number of seasons with productions of Sartre, Pirandello and Brecht. For the small screen he wrote and directed the TV film The Substitution (1970), which was selected for the Pesaro Festival. In 1980 he wrote, directed and produced the film Masoch, this time for the cinema, which was part of the official selection for the Venice and New York film festivals and was invited to other international film festivals such as Montreal, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Orleans. In 1989 he wrote and directed Modì – The Life of Modigliani, a four-hour TV production for Rai-Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) broadcast on RAI channel 2, from which the film Modigliani was produced for cinema distribution in France. In 2008 he wrote and directed the docu-film for the cinema chain theatre "Maybe God is ill" about a journey to Africa, as a country devastated by war, hunger and AIDS. Winner of the X Film Festival on Human Rights DerHumALC - Buenos Aires – Argentina. In 2011 he wrote directed and produced the docu-film “Italiani all’Opera!” (The Italians in Argentina). Invited at Torino Film Festival 2011. Selected for the Sao Paulo film Festival 2012. Aired on RAI Educational TV. In 2012/13 he wrote directed and produced the movie the film “Gli sconosciuti” (We the strangers) Selected for the Festival do Cinema Italiano de Sao Paulo 2014 In 2016 he wrote directed and produced the movie the film “Asso di cuori prigioniero” At the moment in edition

As a documentary producer and director he has more than fifty productions to his name, and his documentaries on social or art themes have won numerous awards, including the Nastro d'Argento, the Osella d'Oro in Venice, first prize at the Salerno Festival (twice), first prize at the Rio della Plata International Festival, etc.

His most recent works, all of which have won prizes in various festivals, include writing, producing and directing a programme on art and archaeology and a series of documentaries on food and gastronomy.

As director of films in the corporate or institutional communication sector, many of which have won awards in various countries throughout the world, he has worked for major Italian and European companies and organisations including: AGIP PETROLI, ALITALIA, DEUTSCHE BANK, ENEL (Italian National Electricity Board), ENIT (Italian Board of Tourism), FIAT AUTO, FERROVIE DELLO STATO (Italian National Railways), IVECO, OLIVETTI, UN United Nations, ITALIAN HEALTH MINISTRY, PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, LAZIO REGION, ITALIAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY, etc.

As an advertising director he has worked in Italy, Greece, United Kingdom, Germany. His many awards in this sector include the Silver Lyon at Cannes and the Gold Carosello in Rome.

As writer is author of many tv and film screen-players and of the novels "The treasure" (Marsilio Editore) and “Secret doors” (Gremese Editore). Solinas Award for Best Unedited Screenplay

He lectured at ACT Multimedia-Cinecittà and at IED - Rome (Istituto Europeo Design) (Filmmakers). He also lectured acting at the Accademia Artisti and at the Beatrice Bracco School in Rome and gives seminars on Cinema and Communication in Argentina, Switzerland, Greece. In Brazil he lectured in the University of Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto and Florianopolis, making a series of practical workshop on Filmmaking. He lectured also in the UWI – University of West Indies Barbados

The movie "Gli Sconosciuti" (We the strangers) and “Asso di cuori prigioniero” was realized with the students of the IED School, in a class of 300 hours. They are a feature film to the cinema and TV.

Franco Taviani works as a free-lance image consultant and director for companies, institutions, and as an independent producer of audio-visual products.


1. Asso di cuori prigioniero (Film) 2015/2016 2. Frammenti da un laboratorio di cinema (Doc)2016 3. Storia di Jela, divenuta Regina (Doc) 2013 4. Perché voglio fare l’attore (Doc) 2013 5. Gli Sconosciuti (Film Cinema – Festival del Cinema Italiano di San Paolo) 2012 6. Italiani all’Opera, (Docu-fiction) 2011–29TFF Torino Film Festival– 36 Festival Internazionale di San Paolo – 3 Festival Cinema dei diritti Umani Napoli – 2 Festival del Cinema Italiano Montenegro 7. Come le foglie (Film TV) 2010 8. Bambini Soldato (Spot Umanitario) 2008 9. Forse Dio è malato (Docu-Fiction) 2007 – Winner of the Xth International Film Fest of Human Rights, Buenos Aires –World Premier Pusan Film Fest , Korea – CBC Film Fest Calenda, Spain – Filmfest of Cinema of Human Right, Maiorca, Spain – Salina Doc Festival, Italy – Official Selection Festival de Cine Europeo, Segovia, Spain – Italian Film Fest Montenegro 10. Una strana vacanza (Doc) - 2005 11. The bridge of dialogue (ONU) - (Doc) 2003 12. Da inpdap a inpdap, (Doc) 2002 13. Un fallito di successo, (Doc) 2002; 14. La necropoli Vaticana, (Doc) 2001; 15. Tra le bianche argille. (Doc) 2001 16. L’Aglianico del Vulture. (Gambero Rosso) (Doc) 2001 17. Cibi e sapori della Basilicata 1°e 2°(Gambero Rosso) (Doc) 2001 18. Carlo Levi, La pittura del esilio. (Doc) 2001 19. Adiosu, diga addio, (Doc) 1998; 20. L’Italia delle maraviglie (Doc) (Vincitore Rassegna Nazionale Film Selezione), 1991; 21. Modì (Film Cinema, 1990) 22. Modì, vita di Amedeo Modigliani (Fiction Tv, 1990); - Tre episodi per la Rai Televisione Italiana e Canale 5 France 23. Immagini dalla Cina, (Doc) 1987; 24. Uno stile nel volo, 1987; 25. Dare veramente, (Doc) 1987; 26. Masoch, (Film Cinema), 1980 – (In concorso Festival di Venezia, New York, San Francisco, Orleans) 27. Da Sole a Sole, (Doc) 1978; 28. Ottantamila particolari, (Doc) 1975; 29. La sostituzione (Fiction Tv, 1970 – Festival di Pesaro); 30. La scoperta della logica, (Doc) 1970; 31. Un calcolatore, dei ragazzi 1969; (Doc) (Osella d’Argento – Festival di Venezia) 32. Lettura dei documenti: il sistema CMC 7, (Doc) 1969; 33. Dal nord al sud per il Vietnam, (Doc) 1968; 34. Italia allo specchio:Campania , (Doc) 1968; 35. TC 600, (Doc) 1968; 36. Malato 41(Nastro D’Argento), (Doc) 1967; 37. Conoscere una scuola, (Doc) 1967: 38. Deserto di uomini, (Doc) 1965; 39. Vecchio e nuovo nelle campagne, (Doc) 1964;

Premi (Some) 1° Premio assoluto Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani – Buenos Aires 1° Premio assoluto al Festival Internazionale dei Pirenei. 2° Premio assoluto al Festival Turistico Nazionale. 3° Premio assoluto al Festival Internazionale di Montecarlo. 1° Premio assoluto “Atomo d’oro” per il documentario industriale al Festival Genti e Paesi; 1° Premio assoluto al Festival Internazionale di Varna (Bulgaria) Nastro d’Argento Osella d’Argento al Festival di Venezia 1° Premio assoluto al Festival del Documentario Turistico di Mar della Plata Carosello d’Oro Leone d’Argento al Festival di Cannes di pubblicità.