Discussioni utente:Romaine/Sandbox

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[@ Leithir, Letizia Fezzi] [@ Alyferreri, Alessandrogatti]

I'm hereby adding sections to give you some explanations about the wiki-life. If not yet done, I suggest you click on the star above (next to Ricerca box): this will add the page in your "osservati speciali" and you can easily check new things, if any, about this page by clicking on "osservati speciali" at the very top ofthe page. For this round I have used the ping function to force the delivery of a message at your next log-in.

If you have any question about what I wrote, just add your comment/questione after my sentence (and sign it, please). Use a column ":" before your sentence to have your text shifted and to facilitate the readers. If you are the second use two colums, the third three...

Why the article I translated from xx.wiki has been marked for removal in it.wiki?

[modifica wikitesto]

Each language community has defined its own principles about who/what is eligible to be subject of an article (in it.wiki: criteri di enciclopedicità). In it.wiki such criteria are normaly collaboratively discussed in the relevant "Progetto tematico". Criteria may differ between a wikipedia and another. E.g., for something I'm familiar with, in it.wiki asteroids are eligible for an article when they receive official denomination, in hu.wiki when they receive numeration (which happens months or years before denomination), in en.wiki neither facts is a base for granting an article. Hence it shoul not be taken as given that, if article XYZ existes in ??.wiki than it can also be added in it.wiki. You don't need to study all criteria, there are at least two easy ways to check if an article can be added in it.wiki:

  1. if the article is a "red link" (i.e. some other artice in it.wiki points to it) then most likely is ok. How you can check if it is a red link? Just click "puntano qui" from the left column when you are in the edit page (within it.wiki) of the article you wish to add. You will be prompted with a list of all other articles which would benefit of the new article.
  2. ask me as tutor :-)

--Ysogo (msg) 00:12, 4 lug 2016 (CEST)[rispondi]

When traslating from a different language whether and how should I quote the original article?

[modifica wikitesto]

Quotation of the original article is not formally due, but it is fair, when one or more sentence are added as pure translation. Single info, e.g. a birthplace, added after having read it in another language do not call for a quotation. Anyway quotation should not be "in line" with the text of the article. The quotation should be done in the discussion page of the article using the dedicated template (Note: a template is a wiki-trick, you provide few key info, it generates a nice-formatted text; there are plenty of templates, I'll better illustrate it in future tips) inserting a line like this:

{{Tradotto da|Codice della lingua|Nome della voce in lingua originale|Data della versione originale tradotta|oldid}}

E.g. for the article translated by Letizia, it should be: {{Tradotto da|en|Medium Cool|24 maggio 2016|721862000}}

Which produces the following result:

--Ysogo (msg) 23:30, 4 lug 2016 (CEST)[rispondi]

How can I prevent that an article of mine is tagged with "orphan-alert" just after I create it?

[modifica wikitesto]

Preamble: among the different tags that can be assigned to an article, "orphan" is one which really hurts the hearth of a wikipedian. A strenght of wikipedia is that you can jump from an article to another. Hence having an article you can not jump into is a "wound" to the spirit of wikipedia.

First of all, let's explain when an article is considered orphan: an article is orphan if there isn't any other article which has a link in the text to it. Using, from the left column, the tool "Puntano qui" you can have a list of other articles which has a link to article you are viewing. If the list is empty, or contains just "non real articles", than the article is considered orphan.

I guess your question now is what are "non real articles"? Well, they may include discussion pages (easily identified by the leading "Discussione:..."), user pages (easily identified by the leading "Utente:..."), redirect pages (i.e. a page which just relink an other article. Test for you: which is the visible diffrence clicking Stefano I d'Ungheria rather than Santo Stefano d'Ungheria?) and disambiguation pages (i.e. a page which allows switching between pages which should bear the same title. E.g. Ancora (disambigua)).

Bottom line, how to prevent "orphanity"? Different approach are possibles:

  1. Create articles from red links aready present in other articles.
  2. Use the search box on the top of the screen typing article title and clicking on "contenente..." at the bottom of the drop list; you will prompted with a list of articles which, most likely, contains the title in the text but not in the for of a link; to create the link just go to the article, then enter the "modifica sorgente" tab and put the part of the text among double square parenthesis: [[questo è il modo di marcare un link]]
  3. Search in the other language which pages link the article. Go to the corresponding pages in it.wiki and modify the text to have the link to the new article you have created.

Last but not least for the page which inspired this tip. At least a possible link is from Proteste degli studenti cileni nel 2011 which says rivoluzione dei pinguini in the middle of the text. By substituing rivoluzione dei pinguini with [[Protesta degli studenti cileni nel 2006|rivoluzione dei pinguini]] (note: here we are using an other wikitrick called pipelink which will be subject a future tip) the new article of Aly won't be any longer orphan and Aly can proudly remove the orphan tag from her article. I can do it right now, but I invite Aly to do all above on her own: resolving a tag, increase reputation.

--Ysogo (msg) 22:29, 6 lug 2016 (CEST)[rispondi]

Hi Romaine, I want just to signal you that the article Protesta degli studenti cileni nel 2006 isn't orphan anymore, even if it still contains a lot of mistranslations from Spanish to Italian language (that I partially fixed). -- Mess (10 e lode! 2006-2016) 12:08, 19 lug 2016 (CEST)[rispondi]

What a shame!! So many "lekkians", so few pictures...

[modifica wikitesto]

[@ Leithir, Letizia Fezzi] [@ Alyferreri, Alessandrogatti]
I just realized that it is an unbalanced situation to have so many new contributors from Lecco (and sorroundings area) and still have few articles without pictures, such as:

I'm hereby launching the idea that each of you adoptes one of the article above and improves it by realizing and adding a illustrative picture. Just pick up one, replace "...." with your signature to let everyone else know what is left over.
--Ysogo (msg) 23:12, 13 lug 2016 (CEST)[rispondi]

other topics will follow in next days

[modifica wikitesto]