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Perché è stata cancellata la voce ? Non trovo più nulla su questa molecola, nel 2006 ho visto la struttura della nebularina e del derivato più tossico nebulotossina, con quattro carboni in più e un ossigeno in meno, sul carbonio vicino all'azoto che lega con lo zucchero sul carbonio di HO-CH2- dello zucchero, fra i due azoto della parte pirimidinica della purina e l'ultimo al posto del ossidrile vicino al CH-N dove lo zucchero lega con la purina C14H20N4O3

HO       CH3
 |        \
 CH2   O   CH=N
/  \  / \   |  \


     \   /   /   \
     CH-CH  N     CH
    /   |    \\  //
  HO    CH3   C-N

Non sono bravo a modificare le voci, ma segnalo questo articolo:

Medicinal Properties of the Genus Clitocybe and of Lectins from the Clouded Funnel Cap Mushroom, C. nebularis (Agaricomycetes): A Review January 2016International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 18(11):965-975 Abstract Current knowledge of the medicinal properties of Basidiomycetes mushroom species of the genus Clitocybe and of the biological activity of C. nebularis fruiting bodies is reviewed. The main focus is the therapeutic potential of lectins from C. nebularis. Species of the genus Clitocybe, including C. nebularis, have not been traditionally considered as medicinal mushrooms; however, recent studies have demonstrated their antitumor, immunomodulatory, and antioxidative properties, their antimicrobial (antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal) activities against various bacteria and fungi, as well as their potential use in therapy for alcoholism and as psychotropic agents. These activities have been shown to be due to various compounds, either isolated or in extracts, mainly polysaccharides but also phenols, ribonucleosides, and proteins. These include laccase, protease inhibitors, and lectins. C. nebularis has been shown to be rich in a variety of lectins and isolectins with distinct carbohydrate-binding specificities, showing versatile biological activities. They exhibit immunostimulatory and adhesion-/phagocytosis-promoting properties, as well as toxicity in various invertebrates. Mushroom species of the genus Clitocybe, including C. nebularis, thus constitute a valuable source of compounds showing diverse biological activities with a broad potential for applications in biomedicine or biotechnology. On the basis of such evidence reviewed here, we propose that C. nebularis and other Clitocybe species can be considered to be medicinal mushrooms.

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