Utente:Ernesto Sisti/vector.css

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
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Questa pagina definisce alcuni parametri di aspetto e comportamento generale di tutte le pagine. Per personalizzarli vedi Aiuto:Stile utente.

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This file is free and unencumbered software released into the public

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Version with transparent toolbars which appear on hover:


/* Latin Modern (LaTeX default) font */

@font-face {
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/* Page Layout */

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a.new, a.new:visited {
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ul {
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/* Shift star on baseline */
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/* nuke most things */
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#ca-unwatch a {
  overflow:visible !important; /* allow the #ca-unwatch to have a :after outside of the bounds of this element. */

#ca-unwatch a:after {
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#ca-unwatch a, #ca-watch a {
#ca-talk, #ca-talk a, #p-namespaces {
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#mw-navigation:hover #mw-panel, #footer:hover {
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#ca-edit, #ca-ve-edit, #ca-viewsource, #p-personal, #p-search{
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#mw-navigation:hover #ca-edit, #mw-navigation:hover #ca-ve-edit, #mw-navigation:hover #ca-viewsource, #mw-navigation:hover #p-personal, #mw-navigation:hover #p-search{
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#p-cactions-label, div.vectorTabs, div.vectorTabs ul li, .NavHead div, .NavFrame div, .navbox div, .navbox th, .navbox-title, .hlist div, th, table{
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div.vectorMenu div.menu {
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/* Content Box */

.mw-body {
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#content, div#content {
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#firstHeading, #siteSub {
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#siteSub {
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/* Article Body */

.mw-body-content {
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.mw-body h3 {
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.mw-body h4 {
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.mw-body h5, .mw-body h6 {
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.mw-body p {
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.mw-body p + p {
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.mw-editsection {
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table.ambox {
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dl dd {
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	text-align: center;

span.texhtml {
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	line-height: inherit;

/* Table of Contents */

#toc, .toc {
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	background: none;
	font-size: inherit;
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	display: block;

.mw-body #toc h2, .mw-body .toc h2 {
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#toc h2, .toc h2 {
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#toc #toctitle, .toc #toctitle, #toc .toctitle, .toc .toctitle {
	text-align: left;

.toctoggle {
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/* Figures */

div.tright {
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div.tleft {
	margin: 0.5em 1.5em 0.5em 0;

/* Code */

.mw-code {
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pre, code {
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sup {
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