Discussioni utente:Ykvach

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Aphya > Aphia

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Thank you for the segnalation!--etrusko5² (msg) 21:00, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

You are wellcome! I hope, we will collaborate very good! --Ykvach (msg) 21:03, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
I wrote almost all the Gobiidae articles on this wiki, check them if you have some time to spend! Many photos may represent the wrong species and the taxonomy could be not accurate or updated. If you want to communicate to me please contact me on talk page. Thanks!--etrusko5² (msg) 21:13, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
For me it is difficult to read Italian... but I can understand little bit, because I learned Latin in University. I have a proposition for you to correct the article Proterorhinus marmoratus. See English wiki. In past it was a monotypic genus, but now Proterorhinus marmoratus is considered as cryptic species. So, we have at least 5 species. Because, Proterorhinus semilunaris is invasive species in many contries in Europe, it is very actual to have the articles about Proterorhinus good described in each European language. --Ykvach (msg) 21:22, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
OK, I'll see this article.--etrusko5² (msg) 21:32, 22 ago 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

Syngnathus schmidti

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Hi Ykvach! The species is remembered as "similar species" in the article S. phlegon, so the reirect. I rollbacked your edit, if you can provide me some papers in english about this species I can create the article. --etrusko5² (msg) 21:35, 11 set 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

Hallo Massimilliano! Probably, they are similar, but at this time they are described as different spcies. Check FishBase, please! Syngnathus schmidti is rather rare. It is absent near our coasts, but more or less common near the Black Sea coasts of Bulgaria and Russia. It is endemic of the Black Sea. Syngnathus phlegon is considered for the Mediterranean. At this time we cannot say it is same. I would like to make the short description of Syngnathus schmidti, mentioneing the status. But the redirecting is not actual, as for me. --Ykvach (msg) 07:31, 12 set 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]
Ok, if you want I can translate your description and write a stub for this species.--etrusko5² (msg) 09:19, 12 set 2011 (CEST)[rispondi]

Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te

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