Discussioni Wikipedia:WikiAlpenforum

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Segnalo anche qui: wmit:Associazione:Microgrant. Vedo che ci sono vari soci fra i partecipanti quindi non dovreste avere problemi ad accedere. Per i gelosi c'è wmit:Iscrizioni. :) --Nemo 18:55, 29 nov 2017 (CET)[rispondi]

Nomi italiani mancanti per catene montuose in Wikidata

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Ciao! Ho appena creato una lista di montagne rifugi delle Alpi sulla base dei dati trovati in Wikidata:

Utente:Tkarcher/Rifugi delle Alpi (simile a de:Liste der Schutzhütten in den Alpen e en:List of mountain huts in the Alps)

Durante la navigazione in questa lista ho notato cinque catene montuose con traduzioni italiane mancanti in Wikidata:

d:Q1370689, d:Q1728342, d:Q23784187, d:Q28000660, d:Q692858

Qualcuno potrebbe per piacere aggiungere quelle traduzioni a Wikidata, così posso colmare le lacune nella lista e pubblicarla? Grazie! --Tkarcher (msg) 00:51, 12 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]

Ciao [@ Tkarcher], grazie per la richiesta. Queste le mie osservazioni (non ho ancora fatto modifiche su Wikidata):
Ho chiesto supporto a [@ XanonymusX], che speriamo possa risolverci alcuni dubbi. --CristianNX 11:19, 12 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]
Non sono un esperto di montagne, ma vediamo un po’:
  • non saprei altro che Montagne di Luson
  • lo Sciliar è problematico: se siamo pignoli, Massiccio dello Sciliar dovrebbe essere connesso a Q1728342, mentre la voce sulla montagna stessa non esiste in italiano (quindi Massiccio dello Sciliar vs. Sciliar)
  • sono gli stessi, ho corretto su WD
  • già fatto
  • ho corretto su WD
XanonymusX (msg) 18:21, 12 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]

Grazie per l'aiuto! Come un tipico tedesco ho deciso di andare con la Sciliar per la soluzione pignola. :-) Tkarcher (msg) 22:32, 12 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]

Introduzione per l'elenco dei rifugi alpini

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Vorrei pubblicare l'elenco dei rifugi alpini. Senza la parte bot, naturalmente, ma con una corretta introduzione, come in parte tedesca e inglese. Sfortunatamente, non parlo italiano. Qualcuno può controllare e correggere questa traduzione automatica?

L'elenco dei rifugi alpini comprende rifugi, bivacchi e alloggi assimilabili. Oltre a un gran numero di rifugi dei vari club alpini nazionali ve ne sono diversi di proprietà privata. La lista include alcuni - ma di gran lunga non tutti - dei rifugi nei sette paesi alpini di Germania, Francia, Italia, Liechtenstein, Austria, Svizzera e Slovenia. In Francia, questi alloggi sono anche chiamati Refuge, in parte anche in Svizzera, a seconda dell'area linguistica. In Slovenia prendono il nome di Dom o Koča.

Grazie! Tkarcher (msg) 18:39, 22 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]

[@ Tkarcher] ✔ Fatto Grazie! --Civvì (Parliamone...) 19:20, 22 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]
Grazie anche a te! Ho appena pubblicato la lista: Rifugi delle Alpi --Tkarcher (msg) 20:20, 22 feb 2018 (CET)[rispondi]

Dear friends of the WikiAlpenforum!

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With that newsletter I want to inform you of the current status of the WikiAlpenForum (WAF) has evolved much more quickly than any of us expected. Our labours in various Wikipedia projects have thrived and can be observed in the many edits in the German, English, Italian and French Wikipedia, in the Encyclopedia, as well as in the Commons, the Metasites and in WikiData.

Since our initial WAF-Workshop in February 2017 in Munich, as we have reported, there have been 23 meetings and excursions of WAF in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. A total of 237 Wikipedians have taken part with an average of 12 active editing participants at each meeting. Of these 23 meetings, 8 were sponsored by one or more of the WM-Chapters. In the meanwhile, WAF has been present at all of the German, Italian and French WikiCONs and is supporting the application for the WikiCON 2019 in Innsbruck. A cardinal example of the future structure of WAF is the involvement of the WikiAlpenForum in the project “Wiki loves Earth – Italian Alps”, which was initiated and is curated by our WAF- founding member, Cristian.

The latest WAF meeting held in Switzerland was especially productive, the report here in English. This was the first time that active members of WAF-Orga from all five participating countries worked together intensively. At this meeting, we edited in all of the projects in which WAF is active: in the Wikipedia encyclopedia, English, German, Italian and French; on the WAF metasites; on the WAF project sites in all of the languages; and in WikiData. In the WP-Commons alone, about 300 photos were up loaded as a result of the meeting in Bern, all in best quality and resolution. Many have already been used in Wikipedia articles. A large portion of my own photos, mostly of monuments in and around Bern, which I made with my full-format camera, have still to be up loaded. WAF speaks with persons and organisations which in the past have had little to do with Wikipedia, with Alpine clubs and groups as well as with museums and culture centers in the region of the Alps. In the meantime, this cooperation has become so intensive, that WAF and its members have achieved permanent access to museums, as in Innsbruck-Volkskunstmuseum or to archives and libraries of the Alpenvereine of Germany, Austria and Südtirol in Munich, and the House of Bavarian History in Augsburg.

It would be good to have a comprehensive summary of all WAF activities. Everything that has been added to the contents of Wikipedia since the beginning of WAF has already been documented on our Doku page and also categorized in the Commons, here with links. Only a fraction of the uploaded 2720 photos in 31 categories has been included. In the meantime there has been excellent reporting by WMAT, where the Center in Vienna has documented the photos from the Commons which have been included in WP articles. In Bern we discussed the future structure and strategy of the WikiAlpenForum. A discussion with the WMDE had been planned for Thursday, July 5, which was postponed because it seemed better to discuss the future development of the WikiAlpenForum first in the five country WAF-Orgas and then as a second step in the five chapters. An excellent opportunity for this would be in connection with the WikiCONs 2018 in St. Gallen, Grenoble and Como.

With this Newsletter, I also wish to inform you all of my withdrawal from WAF-Orga and from all operational activities of the project WikiAlpenForum. At the same time, I would like to thank everybody who has been actively involved in WAF and all contributors. Of course, I hope to continue writing and submitting to Wikipedia more articles relating to our Alps. And I look forward to joining you on future excursions to the Alpine Plant Gardens. Many, many thanks for your engagement,

with kind regards to you all,

Sincerely --Pimpinellus (msg) 12:15, 8 lug 2018 (CEST)[rispondi]