Progetto:WikiDonne/Liste voci mancanti/Donne nate nel V secolo

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number Wikidata sitelinks nome immagine descrizione data di nascita data di morte
1 Q468997 12 Saint Xenia the Righteous of Rome
04th century 0450
2 Q6592140 11 Euphrosyne of Alexandria
0414 0470
3 Q445189 10 Cordula
04th century 0383-10-22
4 Q1059956 10 Empress Dowager Hu 04th century 0528-05-17
5 Q2287423 10 Dwynwen
04th century 0460
6 Q6141725 10 Teodegonda 04th century 0507
7 Q6645422 10 Liu Chuyu
0446 0465
8 Q1288349 9 Íte of Killeedy
0475 0570-01-15
9 Q3276928 9 Empress Dowager Feng 0442 0490-09
10 Q12289430 9 Ostrogotho 0480 050s
11 Q1059974 8 Empress Wang Xianyuan 0427 0464-10-09
12 Q4969181 8 wife of Julius Nepos 04th century 05th century
13 Q29029522 8 Teodora di Emesa 04th century No/unknown value
14 Q440762 7 Odilia of Cologne
04th millenium 0451
15 Q855789 7 Empress Wang Zhenfeng 0436 0479
16 Q1562448 7 Su Xiaoxiao
cortigiana e poetessa cinese 0479 0501
17 Q4949023 7 Fritigil
04th century 05th century
18 Q5163357 7 Pan Yunu
04th century 0501
19 Q7089020 7 Olimpiade di Armenia 04th century 0361
20 Q115521 6 Empress Yuan Qigui 0405 0440
21 Q699633 6 Empress Dowager Wang Baoming 0455 0512
22 Q712362 6 Empress Gao 04th century 0518
23 Q4301754 6 Moninne
0432 0518
24 Q4392547 6 Empress He Jingying 04th century
25 Q7928931 6 Vigilantia 0490
26 Q17984768 6 Noyale
04th century No/unknown value
27 Q604002 5 Sarah of the Desert 04th century
28 Q1018019 5 Empress Yu 0488 0507
29 Q1022901 5 Empress Chu Lingqu 04th century
30 Q2069936 5 Clervie
04th century
31 Q2512103 5 Mabyn
Santo 04th century
32 Q3464537 5 Sainte Ninnoc
04th century 0467
33 Q4390903 5 Empress Jiang Jiangui 04th century
34 Q5374485 5 Empress Dowager Lu Huinan 0412 0466
35 Q5374518 5 Empress Feng Run 0469 0499
36 Q5911721 5 Diang of Persia 04th century
37 Q11075749 5 Princess Tashiraka
04th century
38 Q19891002 5 Austrigusa 04th century
39 Q20580312 5 Saint Pompeia
04th century
40 Q23059615 5 Caretene 0455 0506-09-16
41 Q1589256 4 Patrapeamani 04th century 04th century
42 Q4133032 4 Empress Yin Yuying 04th century 0453
43 Q4218975 4 Cagina
santo Gallese 0425
44 Q4392491 4 Empress Wang Shaoming 04th century
45 Q5149543 4 Santa Colomba di Cornovaglia
santa bretone-cornovaglia nel VI secolo 04th century 06th century
46 Q7915534 4 Vardanduxt 04th century 05th century
47 Q8253918 4 Ding Lingguang 0485 0526
48 Q8253942 4 Ruan Lingying 0477 0542
49 Q12868574 4 Sagdukht 04th century