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The Rotters' Club (album)

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The Rotters' Club
album in studio
ArtistaHatfield and the North
Pubblicazionemarzo 1975
GenereRock progressivo
EtichettaVirgin Records
ProduttoreHatfield and the North
Registrazionegennaio-febbraio 1975 Saturn Studios, Worthing
Hatfield and the North - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

The Rotters' Club (1975) è il secondo e ultimo album in studio del gruppo musicale britannico Hatfield and the North. Il disco ha dato il nome all'omonimo romanzo dello scrittore inglese Jonathan Coe.

Lato A
  1. Share It – 3:02 (Richard Sinclair)
  2. Lounging There Trying – 3:10 (Phil Miller)
  3. (Big) John Wayne Socks Psychology on the Jaw – 0:46 (Dave Stewart)
  4. Chaos at the Greasy Spoon – 0:30 (Sinclair, Pip Pyle)
  5. The Yes No Interlude – 7:02 (Pyle)
  6. Fitter Stroke Has a Bath – 6:38 (Pyle)
  7. Didn't Matter Anyway – 3:03 (Sinclair)
Lato B
  1. Underdub – 3:55 (Miller)
  2. Mumps – 20:06 (Stewart)
  3. a) Your Majesty Is Like a Cream Donut (Quiet) – 1:59
    b) Lumps – 12:35
    c) Prenut – 3:55
    d) Your Majesty Is Like a Cream Donut (Loud) – 1:37
Tracce extra CD (1992)
  1. (Big) John Wayne Socks Psychology on the Jaw (alternative mix) – 0:46 (Stewart)
  2. Chaos at the Greasy Spoon (alternative mix) – 0:20 (Sinclair, Pyle)
  3. Halfway Between Heaven and Earth (full version) – 6:07 (Sinclair)
  4. Oh, Len's Nature! (live, 1975) – 1:59 (Miller)
  5. Lything and Gracing (live, 1974) – 3:58 (Miller)
Barbara Gaskin
Amanda Parsons
Ann Rosenthal

Classifiche settimanali

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Classifica (1975) Posizione


Regno Unito[1] 43
  1. ^ (EN) HATFIELD & THE NORTH, su Official Charts, 29 marzo 1975. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2024.

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